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Page 123
5-5 M is said to be conditionally consistent just in case for all 0123-001.gif, if 0123-002.gif, then 0123-003.gif. [TxtEx]cond-consistent denotes 0123-004.gif 0123-005.gif.
Refute the following variant of Proposition 5.6: If conditionally consistent M identifies 0123-006.gif, then 0123-007.gif.
5-6 Show that 0123-008.gif.
5-7 0123-009.gif is called total just in case for all 0123-010.gif there is 0123-011.gif such that 0123-012.gif Note that a total language need not represent a function (since it need not be single valued). M is called total-minded just in case for all 0123-013.gif, if 0123-014.gif then WM( s ) is total. [TxtEx]tot-minded denotes 0123-015.gif 0123-016.gif. Prove: There is 0123-017.gif such that (a) every 0123-018.gif is total, and (b) 0123-019.gif. Hint: Use Rogers [158], Theorem 5-XVI: the single-valuedness theorem.
5-8 Prove that if Image-1306.gif contains only infinite languages, then 0123-020.gif TxtEx if and only if 0123-021.gif.
5-9 Give a proof of Lemma 5.33.
5-10 Show the following:
(a) 0123-022.gif.
(b) 0123-023.gif.
5-11 M is said to be gradualist just in case for all 0123-024.gif, 0123-025.gif is finite. [TxtEx]gradualist denotes 0123-026.gif 0123-027.gif. Show that [TxtEx]gradualist = TxtEx.
5-12 M is called cautious just in case for all  s , 0123-028.gif, 0123-029.gif is not a proper subset of WM( s ). Note that cautious scientists behave as if they never overgeneralize. Compare this strategy with conservative scientists that do not over generalize on languages they identify, but may over generalize on languages they do not identify. [TxtEx]cautious denotes 0123-030.gif. Show that 0123-031.gif.

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