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Case 1: Each stage terminates. Then, 0144-001.gif. Let 0144-002.gif. Let 0144-003.gif. Clearly, T is a text for L and 0144-004.gif, but M on T does not finitely converge to a set of cardinality at most n. Hence, M does not 0144-005.gif
Case 2: Some stage s starts but fails to terminate. For each 0144-006.gif, let 0144-007.gif. Clearly, for each 0144-008.gif, 0144-009.gif and 0144-010.gif. Since the search in b fails in stage s, for every Image-1503.gif extending 0144-011.gif such that 0144-012.gif, we have 0144-013.gif. Moreover, for each 0144-014.gif, Lj  D  Lj, is infinite. Thus, there is a 0144-015.gif such that, for all 0144-016.gif, Lj  D  Wi is infinite. Thus, M fails to 0144-017.gif.
The above two cases imply the proposition.
In contrast to the above result, part (a) of the next proposition shows that there are collections of languages for which an (m+ 1)-error index can be identified in the limit, but for which m-error indexes cannot be learned even if the scientist is allowed to vacillate among a finite, but unbounded, number of conjectures.
6.28 Proposition
(a) For 0144-018.gif, 0144-019.gif.
(b)For all 0144-020.gif, 0144-021.gif
Proof: We prove only part (a). The proof of part (b) is left to the reader.
Recall that 0144-022.gif and that, by Proposition 6.5, 0144-023.gif. Let Lf and 0144-024.gif be as in the proof of Proposition 6.19. Consider the collection of single-valued total languages 0144-025.gif.
It is easy to see that 0144-026.gif. We argue that 0144-027.gif. Suppose by way of contradiction 0144-028.gif. Then, in a way similar to the proof of Proposition 6.19 it can shown that there exists a scientist that Fexm-identifies 0144-029.gif. But Fexm = Exm by Proposition 6.17. Hence, 0144-030.gif, a contradiction.
Exercises 6-12 and 6-13 below contain additional results comparing TxtFex with TxtBc.
§6.3 Bibliographic Notes
Errors in the final hypothesis for function identification were first considered by Blum and Blum [18] and later investigated extensively by Case and Smith [35]. The terminology

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