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Page 143
 s . If the number of distinct indexes output by M on  s  is less than n, then Lastn(M,  s ) is the entire set of indexes output by M on  s .
For each 0143-001.gif, define the collection of languages
It is easy to verify that 0143-003.gif. It remains to show that 0143-004.gif.
Fix an arbitrary scientist M. By a padded version of the (n + 1)-ary recursion theorem (Theorem 2.5), there are distinct programs e0, el, · · ·, en defining r.e. sets 0143-005.gif, 0143-006.gif, . . ., 0143-007.gif, respectively, which are constructed as follows. All of the 0143-008.gif will be in 0143-009.gif and one of the 0143-010.gif will witness that M fails to 0143-011.gif. It will thus follow that 0143-012.gif.
Let 0143-013.gif. Go to stage 0.
Begin ( Stage s )
For each 0143-014.gif, enumerate <s, e
0> into 0143-015.gif.
( This guarantees in Case 1 below that the 0143-016.gif are all infinite. )
Set 0143-017.gif.
Dovetail between a and b below until, if ever, the search in b succeeds.
a. 0143-018.gif

enumerate <x, e
j> into 0143-019.gif for each 0143-020.gif.
b. Search for a Image-1501.gif extending
 s  such that
(i) 0143-021.gif and
(ii) 0143-022.gif.
If and when the search in b succeeds, then:
Let 0143-023.gif.
For each 0143-024.gif, enumerate S into 0143-025.gif.
 s s+1 to be an extension of Image-1502.gif such that content( s s+1) = S.
Go on to stage s + 1.
End ( Stage s )
We have the following two cases.

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