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(a) We say that  x  =n f (read:  x  is an n-variant of f) just in case 0128-001.gif.
(b) We say that  x  =* f just in case 0128-002.gif is finite; we refer to  x  as a finite variant of f.
In the definition it is helpful to think of an index i for  x  as a "possibly anomalous explanation" for f, that is, an explanation whose prediction may include a finite number of anomalies. In this case, i is called an n-error (or *-error) index for f. We distinguish two kinds of errors that i may embody in explaining f. If  x (x) is undefined, then i commits an error of omission at x. If 0128-003.gif, then i commits an error of commission at x.
Definition 6.1 suggests the following criterion of learning, in which it suffices to converge to an index for a function that is proximate to the target. (The * case of the new paradigm was introduced by Blum and Blum [18], the other cases by Case and Smith [35].)
6.2 Definition (Blum and Blum [18], Case and Smith [35]) Let 0128-004.gif.
(a) M Exa-identifies f (written: 0128-005.gif) just in case 0128-006.gif and  j M(f) =a f.
(b) M Exa-identifies Image-1313.gif just in case 0128-007.gif.
(c) 0128-008.gif
Ex0, of course, is the same as Ex. Note that in Exa, for 0128-009.gif, the parameter 'a' is an upper bound on the number of errors allowed in the final hypothesis, not an exact number of required errors. Indeed, were a interpreted in the latter sense, Exa would collapse to the original paradigm Ex (see Exercise 6-2).
The success criterion for Ex* can be formulated this way: M Ex*-identifies Image-1314.gif just in case for every 0128-010.gif there is 0128-011.gif such that M Exm-identifies f. Thus, M's errors must be bounded on each function in Image-1315.gif. The bound itself, however, might grow without limit across different members of Image-1316.gif.
A simple modification of the proof of Proposition 4.15 yields:
6.3 Proposition For every collection Image-1317.gif of functions, and any 0128-012.gif, Image-1318.gif is Exa identifiable just in case some total scientist Exa-identifies Image-1319.gif.
It also follows that there is a recursively enumerable sequence of total computable scientists M0,M1, . . ., such that for all 0128-013.gif, there is an i such that 0128-014.gif.

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