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Page 87
4-21 (Advanced) We define a success criterion in the spirit of exact identification but somewhat weaker.5 Given scientist F and 0087-001.gif, F exactly identifies Image-1008.gif in the weak sense just in case F identifies Image-1009.gif and F identifies no language in the complement of Image-1010.gif. The class of all 0087-002.gif such that some computable M: 0087-003.gif identifies Image-1011.gif exactly in the weak sense is denoted by TxtExWeakExact. Prove:
(a) 0087-004.gif if and only if 0087-005.gif and Image-1012.gif is 0087-006.gif indexable.
(b) There is 0087-007.gif such that Image-1013.gif is not 0087-008.gif indexable.
Conclude that 0087-009.gif.
5 For the background to this exercise, see Rogers [158, Chapters 14,16] or Shoenfield [176, Chapters 6,7].

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