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distinct languages, 0086-001.gif, such that for each 0086-002.gif, 0086-003.gif, but 0086-004.gif. Image-1001.gif is said to have finite elasticity just in case Image-1002.gif does not have infinite elasticity.
1. If a class of languages has finite thickness, then show that it has finite elasticity.
2. Show that if an indexed family of computable languages Image-1003.gif has finite elasticity, then 0086-005.gif.
4-10 Show that both Image-1004.gif and Image-1005.gif are members of Ex.
4-11 Does the analogue to Proposition 4.30 hold for language identification?
4-12 Let 0086-006.gif be given. Show that there is 0086-007.gif such that 0086-008.gif.
4-13 Consider the scientist F defined in the proof of Theorem 3.43. It follows from Theorem 4.28 that F is not computable. Describe the aspect of F that renders it un-computable.
4-14 Show that Proposition 3.46 can be strengthened to the following: There is 0086-009.gif such that no memory limited scientist (computable or not) identifies Image-1006.gif.
4-15 Prove Proposition 4.39.
4-16 Prove Proposition 4.47.
4-17 Let 0086-010.gif be the set of all indexes x such that card(Wx) is finite. Show that J is performable on [·]f.
4-18 Let 0086-011.gif be as defined in Exercise 4-2. Show that 0086-012.gif.
4-19 Suppose that (not necessarily computable) 0086-013.gif identifies 0086-014.gif exactly. Show that for all 0086-015.gif, 0086-016.gif if and only if there is a locking sequence for F on L.
4-20 (Advanced) Show that 0086-017.gif if and only if 0086-018.gif and Image-1007.gif is arithmetically indexable.
Hint: Use Exercise 4-19.

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