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Page 287
(a) 0287-001.gif
(b) 0287-002.gif, and
(c) 0287-003.gif
13-2 Before Fulk's work [72], Kurtz and Smith [116] gave the following, weaker for-malization of Barzdins's * conjecture, which they refuted.
Conjecture: 0287-004.gif is r.e. indexable if and only if 0287-005.gif.
Proposition 13.5 implies that this conjecture is false, but we can give a direct refutation as follows.
13.11 Definition 0287-006.gif is said to be stable if and only if, for all recursive operators  Q  such that 0287-007.gif,0287-008.gif.
(a) Suppose f is a limiting-recursive function and 0287-009.gif. Show that Image-2919.gif is stable.
(b) Construct a limiting recursive-function f such that 0287-010.gif is not r.e. indexable.
(c) Conclude that the above conjecture is false.

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