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(13.2), this implies that  Q k( j f(i)) is consistent with  Q k( j f(j)). By the definition of  j f(j) and Claim 13.6(B) we have 0286-001.gif. Hence, it follows that con(i, k) and
So this case follows also.
We now proceed to prove that  Q k(S) belongs to Ex. From Claim 13.9(b) we have 0286-006.gif. Also as a corollary to Claim 13.9(c) we have:
13.10 Claim For all j with 0286-007.gif and all i < j, either  j h(i) =  j h(j) or 0286-008.gif.
We now construct a machine M Ex-identifying the class 0286-009.gif. Let H(i, t) be a recursive function such that 0286-010.gif. For each 0286-011.gif, define
0286-012.gif, where i is the least number 0286-013.gif such that 0286-014.gif.
Using Claim 13.10, it follows immediately that M Ex-identifies 0286-015.gif. Thus the proposition follows.
We note that M in the above proof can be seen as performing a more general sort of identification by enumeration. M's search space is described by a limiting recursive function h, and not every  j h(i), 0286-016.gif is total. This may be contrasted with the original notion of identification by enumeration in which the search space of an enumerator is described by a recursive function whose range consists exclusively of programs for total functions.
§13.3 Exercises
13-1 Show that 0286-017.gif and 0286-018.gif as defined below are as required in Claim 13.6. For convenience, let 0286-019.gif. Now for each 0286-020.gif, inductively define  s i and 0286-021.gif to be the lexicographically least pair from INIT that satisfies

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