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Page 68
By M's memory limitation and the choice of m, 0068-001.gif. So, again by M's memory limitation, 0068-002.gif for all 0068-003.gif, that is, M converges on T' and T to the same index. But T' is a text for 0068-004.gif, T is a text for Ln, and 0068-005.gif. Therefore M does not identify at least one of 0068-006.gif and Ln, contradicting our choice of M.
We shall see similar interactions with computability in later chapters.
§4.2.5 Identifiability by Total Scientists
The definitions of Section 3.4 do not require a scientist that identifies text T to be defined on every initial segment T[n] of T. However, there is little effect limiting attention to such scientists. Indeed, we can go further, and limit attention to scientists representing total functions from SEQ to N (hence defined on every initial segment of any environment). Scientists with this property are called "total," and suffice to identify any identifiable collection." This is shown by the following.
4.15 Proposition Let M0, M1, . . . be an enumeration of all (possibly partial) computable scientists. There is total recursive 0068-007.gif such that for all 0068-008.gif:
(a) Mf(i) is total; and
(b) For all 0068-009.gif, if Mi identifies L then Mf(i) identifies L.
Proof: Given 0068-010.gif, we want Mf(i) to simulate Mi on 0068-011.gif but not wait forever if 0068-012.gif. Therefore, we will allow Mf(i) to wait only 0068-013.gif steps for 0068-014.gif. Define: 0068-015.gif where Image-0812.gif is the longest initial segment of  s  such that 0068-016.gif in 0068-017.gif steps, if such exists; = 0 otherwise.
Mf(i) is computable because the condition defining Image-0813.gif can be checked recursively (since the waiting time is bounded by 0068-018.gif). To see that Mf(i) identifies every language L that Mi does, let T be a text for such an L. Then there is 0068-019.gif and index j for L such that for all 0068-020.gif, Mi(T[m) = j. Let 0068-021.gif be the running time of Mi(T[n]). By the definition of Mf(i), if m exceeds both s and n, then Mf(i)(T[m]) = Mi(T[k]) for some 0068-022.gif. Thus Mf(i) converges on T to j.
The foregoing proof uses two techniques that appear frequently within our theory. First, the scientist Mf(i) whose existence must be proved relies upon an internal simulation of the given scientist Mi. Mf(i) feeds Mi some version of the incoming data and then uses Mi's output for its own conjectures. Such proofs may be called "internal

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