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Page 135
Henceforth, make  j p(s) behave exactly like  j p(0) on arguments greater than x'.
( This ensures that p(s) is an (m + 1)-error index for  j p(0). )
Go on to stage s + 1.
End ( Stage s )
Consider the following two cases.
Case 1: Infinitely many stages are executed. In this case, let f =  j p(0). It is clear that 0135-001.gif and everything in its range is either an index for f or an (m + 1)-error index for f. Hence, 0135-002.gif. But, for each s, there is a  s  such that 0135-003.gif and M's conjecture on  s  makes at least m + 1 mistakes in computing f. Hence, 0135-004.gif.
Case 2: Some stage s starts but never terminates. In this case, 0135-005.gif and, for all but finitely many x,  t p(s)(x) = p(s). Let f =  t p(s). Clearly, 0135-006.gif. Also, for each  s  such that 0135-007.gif, M's conjecture on  s  computes only a finite function because the search for y0, . . ., ym in step b fails. Hence, 0135-008.gif.
The proof of part (b) can be worked out on lines similar to the proof of Corollary 6.6.
Bc* is the weakest criterion of success considered so far in our discussion. Although further liberalization could be envisioned, the following proposition shows that no further weakening is necessary.
6.15 Proposition (L. Harrington cited in Case and Smith [35]) 0135-009.gif.
Proof: Let MH be a scientist which, on input  s , outputs a program with index e s , where, for each x,
Fix an arbitrary 0135-011.gif. We show that MH Bc*-identifies f. Let p0 be the least index for f. Choose n0 so large that (a) 0135-012.gif and (b) for each 0135-013.gif, 0135-014.gif. Claim: For each 0135-015.gif, 0135-016.gif. To see this, take 0135-017.gif and consider an 0135-018.gif. By our choices of n0, n, xn, and x it follows that, on input x, p0 is the p found in clause (i) of the definition of 0135-019.gif, and hence,
Therefore, the claim follows. Thus, MH Bc* identifies f.

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