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Page 134
6.14 Corollary0134-001.gif.
Proof (of Proposition 6.13): Proof for part (a). Fix an 0134-002.gif. Define
Clearly, 0134-004.gif. We show that 0134-005.gif.
Fix an arbitrary scientist M. We argue that M fails to Bcm-identify some 0134-006.gif. Without loss of generality, assume that M is a total scientist.
By implicit use of the operator recursion theorem (Theorem 2.6), we describe a repetition-free r.e. sequence of programs p(0), p(1), p(2), . . . such that, for some i, 0134-007.gif. Here is an informal effective construction of the  j p(i)'s.
For each 0134-008.gif, 0134-009.gif denotes the part of  j p(i) defined before stage s. Let xs denote the least x such that  j p(0)(xs) has not been defined before stage s. If the construction reaches stage s, then the domain of 0134-010.gif will be { 0, . . ., xs - 1 }, a finite initial segment of N, and 0134-011.gif will be completely undefined. For each 0134-012.gif, set 0134-013.gif. Go to stage 0.
Begin ( Stage s )
For each x << xs, set  j p(s)(x) =  j p(0)(x).
Dovetail between a and b until, if ever, the search in b succeeds.
a. For i = 0 to Image-1408.gif, set  j p(s)(xs + i) = p(s).
b. Search for n, y
0, y1, . . . ,ym such that 0134-014.gif and, for each 0134-015.gif, 0134-016.gif, where 0134-017.gif.
If and when the search in b succeeds, let y0, y1, . . ., ym be the m+1 points on which M's conjecture on evidential state 0134-018.gif converges.
( We now force  j p(0) to differ from M's conjecture on these m + 1 points. )
Let x be the maximum element on which  j p(s) has been thus far defined and let x' = max({ x, ym }).
For each 0134-019.gif, set  j p(0)(y) = p(0), if 0134-020.gif, and set  j p(0)(y) = p(s), otherwise.
For each 0134-021.gif, set  j p(0)(y) = p(s).
For each 0134-022.gif, set  j p(s)(y) = p(s).
( Note that at this point in the definitions of  j p(0) and  j p(s), these two functions are (m + 1)-variants. )

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