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Page 310
consistent identification, 93, 115
constant scientists, 37
continuity of an operator, 19
finitely, 142
of a path in a computation tree, 208
of a scientist, 35
on multiple texts, 185
Cook, S., 261
cover of  e , 66
Culicover, P., 30, 45, 49, 99, 120, 121
Cutland, N., 15
d-conforming, 236
language, 240
language uniformly, 240
uniformly, 236
Daley, R., 145, 219, 267, 276-278
Dap identification, 166
inaccurate, 168
de Jongh, D., 30
decisive identification, 119
Demetras, M., 32
Demopoulos, W., 40
density of a set, 153
density of one set relative to another, 153
for functions, 75
for languages, 75
noise in, 76
divergence of a scientist, 35
dual-monotonic identification, 125
dual-strong-monotonic identification, 124
dual-weak-monotonic identification, 113
Dudley, R., 152, 156, 204
easily distinguishable, 56
effective continuous functional, 19
efficiency of learning, 13, 261
Eisenberg, A., 32
finite, 85
infinite, 85
empirical inquiry, 4
central concepts, 5, 13, 27, 167
data, 5, 8-10, 31-32, 49-50
intelligible hypotheses, 5, 10, 31-32, 49-50
possible realities, 5, 8-10, 28-30, 48-49
scientists, 5, 10-11, 32-35, 50-51, 197
success criteria, 5, 11-13, 35-38, 51-52, 127
empty sequence, 32
enumeration of computable scientists, 69, 71
enumerator, 59, 281
error of commission, 128, 138
error of omission, 128, 138
evidential state, 33
Ex identification, 69
Ex identification with respect to  Y , 264
Ex=m identification, 145
Exa identification, 128
Image-3202.gif identification, 262
exact identification, 81
in the weak sense, 87
Image-3203.gif identification, 163
Exscat identification, 165
Exta identification, 146
extensionality, 61
fat text, 47
Feldman, H., 82
Feldman, J., 131, 145
Feng, C., 108
Fexa identification, 136
finite identification, 262

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