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5.72 Definition(a) M is dual-monotonic on L just in case, for each Image-1310.gif with 0125-001.gif and each  s  with 0125-002.gif we have that 0125-003.gif.
(b) M is dual-monotonic on Image-1311.gif just in case M is dual-monotonic on each 0125-004.gif.
(c) M is dual-monotonic just in case M is dual-monotonic on each 0125-005.gif.
(d) 0125-006.gif
(e) 0125-007.gif
What is the relationship between [TxtEx]dual-monotonic and [TxtEx]class-dual-monotonic? What is the relationship between [TxtEx]dual-monotonic and [TxtEx]dual-strong-monotonic?
5-18 Show that [TxtEx]class-dual-weak-monotonic = [TxtEx]dual-weak-monotonic.
5-19 In the discussion following Definition 5.50 we mentioned that the the global version of monotonicity is equivalent to strong monotonicity. This exercise establishes this fact.
(a) Define [TxtEx]global-monotonic, a global version on monotonicity.2
(b) Prove that [TxtEx]global-monotonic = [TxtEx]strong-monotonic by showing that every machine which is monotonic on N is also strong monotonic.
(a) Show that 0125-008.gif.
(b) Show that 0125-009.gif.
(c) Use Proposition 5.60 and parts (a) and (b) to deduce: 0125-010.gif.
5-21 Show that 0125-011.gif. Thus conclude that the classes [TxtEx]class-weak-monotonic, [TxtEx]weak-monotonic, [TxtEx]conservative, and [TxtEx]class-conservative are all equal.
2Unlike for other criteria based on strategies, for monotonic identification we used [TxtEx]monotonic to denote class monotonicity instead of global monotonicity; hence this special notation for global monotonicity.

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