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x, there is at most one y such that (x, y) occurs in the sequence. We use G as a typical variable for texts over N × N.
(b) Similarly to before, the set of pairs appearing in a text G is denoted by content(G).
(c) Let total function 0050-001.gif, and text G be given. G is for f just in case content(G) = f.
Thus, the following sequence represents a text for the squaring function.
3.39 (1, 1) (0, 0) (3, 9) (2, 4) (5, 25) (4, 16) . . .
Notation for texts introduced for languages in 3.6 carries over to functions. Thus, let text G and 0050-002.gif be given. The nth pair in G is denoted by G(n). The initial finite sequence of G of length n is denoted G[n].
Texts for functions have a property not shared by texts for languages. Let G be a text for a total function, and let T be a text for a language. For any 0050-003.gif N × N, examination of some initial segment of G suffices to verify the presence or absence of (n, m) in G once and for all. In particular, if (n, m') is found in G, where 0050-004.gif, then 0050-005.gif content(G). In contrast, no finite examination of T can definitively verify the absence of a number from T. This asymmetry renders function discovery easier than language discovery, as will be seen shortly.
§3.9.3 Function Identification: Scientists
In order to specify the concept of "scientist" in the current paradigm, we remind the reader that a subset X of N × N is a (graph of a) function just in case X contains no two elements of the form (x, y), (x, z) with 0050-006.gif. Also, we record the fact:
3.40 Lemma Every finite function over N × N is a subset of some member of Image-0517.gif.
3.41 Definition The set {0050-007.gif a text for some total function and 0050-008.gif is denoted by SEG; 0050-009.gif are variables over SEG. (It will be clear from context whether such variables are supposed to range over SEQ or SEG.)
Notation for members of SEQ carries over to SEG. Thus, let 0050-010.gif be given. The length of  s  is denoted 0050-011.gif. The set of pairs appearing in  s  is denoted by content( s ). For 0050-012.gif, the nth pair appearing in  s  is denoted by  s [n], and the initial sequence of length n in  s  is denoted by  s [n]. For example, if G is the text of 3.39, then G(3) = (2,4), G[2] = (1, 1) (0,0), and content(G[3]) = {(1, 1), (0,0), (3,9)}. Note that SEG is

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