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Page 153
We make use of the above real analysis to define a notion of the density of a set of natural numbers.
7.1 Definition
(a) Suppose B is finite and nonempty. We say that the density of A in B (written: den(A, B)) is the number 0153-001.gif
(b) The density of A (written: den(A)) is 0153-002.gif.
Clearly, the density of every subset of N is defined and in 0153-003.gif. For instance, for each n we have, 0153-004.gif, 0153-005.gif and thus it follows that 0153-006.gif Here is a more involved example: Let
and A1 =N - A0. Then den(A0) = 0 because, for each n, 0153-008.gif 0153-009.gif; hence, lim 0153-010.gif. By a similar argument, den(A1) = 0. But, since 0153-011.gif, 0153-012.gif. In general, this notion of density is subadditive in the sense of part (a) of the following lemma.
7.2 Lemma
(a) If A and B are disjoint, then 0153-013.gif
(b) If 0153-014.gif, then 0153-015.gif.
Part (b) of the lemma is an easy consequence of part (a). The proof of part (a) is left for Exercise 7-2. The next lemma states a key fact that we need about r.e. sets and density. Its proof is outlined in Exercise 7-3.
7.3 Lemma For each r.e. set A and each 0153-016.gif, there exists a recursive 0153-017.gif such that 0153-018.gif.
Lemma 7.3 is simply a density analog of the standard result in recursion theory that every infinite r.e. set has an infinite recursive subset. The existence of nonrecursive r.e. sets also has a density analog: there exists an r.e. set A such that each B, a recursive subset of A, has den(B) < den(A). See Exercise 7-4 for details.
Our primary use of this density notion is to obtain measures of how closely different sets and functions approximate each other.

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