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7.4 Definition Suppose 0154-001.gif and  a , 0154-002.gif
(a) The asymptotic agreement between A and B (written: an(A, B)) is 0154-003.gif.
(b) The asymptotic agreement between  a  and  b  (written: aa( a ,  b ) is 0154-004.gif
(c) The asymptotic disagreement between A and B (written: ad(A, B)) is 1 - aa(A, B).
(d) The asymptotic disagreement between  a  and  b  (written: ad( a ,  b )) is 1 - aa( a ,  b ).
Note that 0154-005.gif. So, ad( a ,  b ) is an asymptotic upper bound on the amount of disagreement of  a  and  b  on sufficiently large initial segments of N. The next proposition says that there is no finite function  b , partial recursive  a , and 0154-006.gif such that the "a-radius ball around  a ," i.e., 0154-007.gif includes all recursive extensions of  b .
7.5 Proposition For each a 0154-008.gif, finite function  b , and partial recursive  a , there is a recursive f such that 0154-009.gif and ad( b , f) > a.
Proof: Fix a,  b , and  a . Let 0154-010.gif If ad( a , f0 > a, we are done. Suppose 0154-011.gif. We construct from f0 an f as required. Let 0154-012.gif. Since 0154-013.gif, we have 0154-014.gif. Choose some 0154-015.gif. So, den(A) > b > 0. As A is r.e., we have, by Lemma 7.3, that there is a recursive 0154-016.gif with 0154-017.gif. Without loss of generality we assume 0154-018.gif. Let 0154-019.gif. By definitions of f and f0 and our assumption that 0154-020.gif, 0154-021.gif. Since B is recursive and 0154-022.gif, 0154-023.gif also. Observe that 0154-024.gif. Therefore,
(by Lemma 7.2(b))
(by the choice of B)
< 1 a
(by the choice of b).

Therefore, by Definition 7.4(d), ad( a , f) > a, as desired.
§7.3 Approximate Explanatory Identification
We now make use of the density notions of the previous section to develop a series of identification criteria based on approximations. (We follow the pattern of Chapter 6 by

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