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Page 81
4.47 Proposition Image-0867.gif is performable on [·]f.
Further discussion of parameterized scientists may be found in Jantke [98].
§4.5 Exact Identification
In this final section of the chapter, we advance a paradigm designed to refine the constraints on comparative grammar provided by considerations of learnability (see Section 3.1.2, above). Only the identification of languages is at issue.
§4.5.1 Exact Learning and Comparative Grammar
The converse of the dictum that natural languages are learnable by children (via casual exposure) is that nonnatural languages are not learnable. Put differently, the natural languages are generally taken to be the largest collection of child-learnable languages. We are thus led to consider paradigms in which learners are required to respond successfully to all languages in a given collection and to respond unsuccessfully to all other languages. One such paradigm relies on a modification of the identification concept that is defined as follows.
4.48 Definition
(a) Let scientist 0081-001.gif and 0081-002.gif be given. F identifies Image-0868.gif exactly just in case for all texts T, F identifies T if and only if T is for some 0081-003.gif. In this case Image-0869.gif is exactly identifiable.
(b) The class of all 0081-004.gif such that some computable 0081-005.gif identifies Image-0870.gif exactly is denoted by TxtExExact.
For example, the scientist defined in the proof of Proposition 3.18 identifies 0081-006.gif exactly. Similarly, let g be some recursive function such that Wg( s ) = content( s ) for each 0081-007.gif and consider a scientist F that on 0081-008.gif emits g( s ). Clearly, this F identifies Image-0871.gif exactly. Hence 0081-009.gif.
Two points should be borne in mind about Definition 4.48. First, if F identifies 0081-010.gif, then F identifies every subset of Image-0872.gif and may identify some proper supersets of Image-0873.gif as well (see Exercise 3-3). In contrast, if F identifies Image-0874.gif exactly, then F exactly identifies no collection 0081-011.gif. Second, if F identifies 0081-012.gif exactly, then there is a strong sense in which F fails to identify 0081-013.gif; namely, F fails to identify any text for such an L,

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