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Page 80
§4.4.3 Performability on [·]f
If n is an index for N, then Theorem 4.28 shows that no superset of {n} is performable on [·]f. However, nonperformability also infects much simpler sets of indexes, as the following proposition reveals.
4.41 Proposition (Jantke [98]) Let 0080-001.gif be the set of all indexes x with the following property: there is exactly one 0080-002.gif such that  j j is total. Then I is not perform able on [·]f.
So, no parameterized scientist can take an arbitrary 0080-003.gif and adapt itself to identify the sole 0080-004.gif with an index in Wi.
Proof:4 Let total recursive h be the function guaranteed by Proposition 4.31. Then:
4.42 For all 0080-005.gif, 0080-006.gif.
Given 0080-007.gif, let gi be the sole member of Image-0865.gif with an index in Wh(i). It follows immediately from 4.31 that:
4.43 0080-008.gif is not identifiable.
Now for a contradiction, suppose that parameterized scientist  G  performs I on [·]f. Then:
4.44 For all 0080-009.gif, 0080-010.gif identifies gi.
Define (unparameterized) scientist M as follows. For all 0080-011.gif, if content( s ) does not contain exactly one occurrence of a pair of the form (0, i), then M is undefined. Otherwise, if 0080-012.gif then M( s ) =  G  (h(i),  s ). It follows from 4.44 that M identifies 0080-013.gif, contradicting 4.43.
4.45 Corollary 0080-014.gif is not performable on [·]f.
It is the presence of indexes for nontotal functions in the descriptions delivered by [·]f that causes nonperformability. To see this, we first define the set of descriptions free of this problem.
4.46 Definition 0080-015.gif.
The symbol "Image-0866.gif" may be read as "all total." We leave the following proposition as an exercise.
4 A different proof is given in [98].

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