Blog posts

Der Internationale Transgender Day of Visibility findet jedes Jahr am 31. März statt und soll Aufmerksamkeit wecken für trans Personen, ihre Rechte und die Diskriminierung, die sie häufig erfahren. Der Transgender Day of Visibility wurde zum ersten Mal 2009 in den USA begangen und findet seit 2014 weltweit statt. In Deutschland beteiligen sich Initiativen und Vereine in zahlreichen Städten mit Aktionen, u.a. in Berlin, Freiburg, Halle, München, Stuttgart. In diesem Jahr weisen die Teilnehmer*innen besonders auf die sich international verschlechternde Rechtslage für trans Menschen hin und fordern für Deutschland die Abschaffung des veralteten Transsexuellengesetzes. So bezeichnet etwa die SPDqueer-Vizechefin Sarah Ungar den aktuellen Zustand in Deutschland als “enttäuschend, menschenverachtend und stigmatisierend. Eine progressive und mutige Entscheidung zugunsten eines menschenwürdigen Selbstbestimmungsrechts ist bisher in der Bundespolitik leider ausgeblieben.” (Quelle) Gefordert werden unter anderem die Abschaffung des Begutachterzwangs und ein vereinfachtes Verfahren zur Namens- und Personenstandsänderung.

Lit4School empfiehlt zum Thema Trans das Memoir Ich bin Linus von Linus Giese, das aus der Innenperspektive schildert, “wie ich der Mann wurde, der ich schon immer war” – so der Untertitel des Buchs. Auch auf Englisch haben wir Empfehlungen zu Trans Rights.

— Silke Horstkotte

Heinrich Mann

Deutsch · 27 March 2021

Heute vor 150 Jahren, am 27. März 1871, wurde der Schriftsteller Heinrich Mann geboren. Ein Blick auf und in sein umfangreiches Werk lässt Erstaunliches zu Tage treten. In einer Zeit als deutschtümlich, kaiserlich und militaristisch Kernmerkmale der Geisteshaltung vieler deutscher Intellektueller waren, wendet er sich Frankreich zu, nimmt gesellschaftliche Missstände kritisch in den Blick und ruft zum Pazifismus auf. Es entstehen zahlreiche Romane, einige Dramen und unzählige essayistische, historische, aber auch dezidiert zeitbezogene Arbeiten: Zu seinen bekannten Romanen gehören Professor Unrat oder Das Ende eines Tyrannen, die sogenannte Kaiserreich-Trilogie mit dem Roman Der Untertan als Höhepunkt, außerdem Die Jugend des Königs Henri Quatre und Die Vollendung des Königs Henri Quatre. Neben den belletristischen Texten schreibt Heinrich Mann Zeit seines Lebens Essays, die berühmtesten erscheinen unter dem Titel Geist und Tat. Franzosen 1780–1930. Nirgendwo ist seine immer unangestrengt wirkende glasklare Simplizität, geschult am französischen Vorbild, so offensichtlich. Auch diese Tatsache ist es, die Thomas Mann 1950 anlässlich des Todes seines Bruders würdigt. In Bezug auf Heinrich Manns Memoirenbuch Ein Zeitalter wird besichtigt schreibt er etwas, das diesen Blogbeitrag gewissermaßen einfordert: „Ja, ich bin überzeugt, daß die deutschen Schullesebücher des 21. Jahrhunderts Proben aus diesem Buch als Muster führen werden.“ – Er sollte Recht behalten. Heinrich Mann schaffte es in den Schulkanon, wenn auch mit einem anderen Werk, dem Roman Der Untertan. Nahezu mit preußischer Pünktlichkeit erscheint zum 150. Geburtstag Heinrich Manns eine Neuauflage dieser beißenden Satire auf das Kaiserreich am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkriegs (vollendet im Sommer 1914). Der Held, den diese Persiflage eines Bildungsromans begleitet, heißt Diederich Heßling. Diederich Heßling war ein weiches Kind, so beginnt es, aber aus dem weichen – also formbaren – Jungen wird ein autoritätsgläubiger Ehrgeizling, dessen Ziel, eins zu werden mit dem Kaiserreich, ihn zum Prototypen eines nach unten Tretenden und nach oben Buckelnden macht. Nichts scheint unausweichlicher als der Erste Weltkrieg und nichts unmöglicher, als ihn aufzuhalten. Parallelen zu unserer Welt, zu unseren Problemen zu finden, dürfte nicht schwerfallen: zu anschaulich, zu scharf werden die Mechanismen der wilhelminischen Gesellschaft gezeichnet, zu oft meint man, Konstellationen aus dem eigenen Alltag wiederzuerkennen, zu oft beobachtet man auch heute noch die „Sucht, zu befehlen und zu gehorchen“ (Kurt Tucholsky). – Gründe genug, Der Untertan wieder zur Schullektüre des 21. Jahrhunderts zu machen!

Nachschrift: Anlässlich des 150. Geburtstags strahlt 3sat am 27. März, 20.15 Uhr den Spielfilm Der Untertan (DDR 1951) aus. Eine bestechende Literaturverfilmung! (Und zugleich Brennglas deutsch-deutscher Geisteshaltung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.) 

— Frieder Stange

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.” – Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII, Line 139

Have you ever thought to stage a scene or a whole play with your pupils? In contrast to narrative and poetic texts, dramatic ones are meant for performance in front of an audience. As a literary genre with both, textual (script) and representational spheres (performance), plays offer multiple possibilities and reasons for communicative and creative teaching activities in the language classroom. Indeed, one can and should analyse both the script (e.g. according to the setting, characters, themes and plot) and actual performance of a play (e.g. according to visual and auditory signs, spoken text, mime, gesture and external appearance of the actors) with beginners and advanced learners of English on their level.

However, plays are meant to be acted out. Therefore, building the dramatic competence should also incorporate the representational side of the genre: While performing a sketch, a scene or a whole play, your pupils will memorise chunks of language, they will practice their verbal and nonverbal skills, creativity and social interaction. Staging a play or musical can be a great bonding experience for the whole class. Younger learners will enjoy shorter forms such as role-plays, pantomime, freeze frames or reading a dialogue. The Reader’s Theatre offers scripts and short plays for learners of English on an intermediate level – this spontaneous form of theatre does not require costumes or memorisation. Two collections of comic strip versions of classical plays by Shakespeare offer stepping stones for younger learners.

Choosing the ‘right’ play for your students can be taught. To overcome historically grown national, ethnic and gender restrictions, we as teachers should open up the canon in selecting contemporary and transcultural forms of drama from the Anglophone world – apart from the classics by William Shakespeare. As we do feature quite a variety of dramatic texts from the British Isles and beyond, this is our selection of our favourite plays and musicals for you:

Sarah’s picks:

  • Annie by Rob Marshall (film/musical): Premiered in 1976, the musical Annie has captured many hearts and been adapted into three separate film adaptations. The film features the same songs, telling the story of orphan Annie, who longs to be part of a family. When she gets taken in by a billionaire for the holidays, she gets a glimpse of what she’s been missing.
  • The Mountaintop by Katori Hall: This drama offers a fictional depiction of the night before Martin Luther King’s assassination in 1968. Set in King’s hotel room, it navigates themes surrounding death, philosophy, American history and the Civil Rights Movement. The short length and fixed setting make it a classic read-it-in-one-go type of play for older students.
  • Another option for a play related to American history would be Driving Miss Daisy by Alfred Uhry, a comedy-drama about friendship and stereotypes in a time of segregation.
  • YOLO Juliet by Brett Wright: This drama provides a twist to a classic tale. What happens to Romeo and Juliet’s epic love story if you add smartphones to the mix?

Sarah-Sophia’s Picks:

  • Translations by Brian Friel: A short play about the language, communication, history and cultural imperialism in Ireland. It juxtaposes both languages and cultures (no worries, it’s still written in English) and emphasises the importance of language regarding fruitful communication. Translations provides an insight into the issues between Ireland and England and is a valuable addition to diversity in the English classroom.
  • I, Shakespeare by Tim Crouch: Crouch rewrote four of Shakespeare’s most famous plays for a younger audience: Twelfth Night (I, Malvolio), Macbeth (I, Banquo), The Tempest (I, Caliban) and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (I, Peaseblossom). While the language of these plays is kept as Shakespearean as possible, the plays are shorter and easier to understand and follow. On top, the plays are told from the perspective of different characters as mentioned above in Brackets.
  • Lyle the Crocodile: This is a lovely children’s book by Bernard Waber but Kevin Kling and Richard Gray turned it into a musical of 36 pages. The webside has a wide range of plays for younger students. They also display the most important information quite nicely in stating the number of pages, how many actors are needed, how long performance takes, and provide an age recommendation.

Simon’s Picks:

  • Monster by Walter Dean Myers: This award-winning, young adult drama novel follows a 16-year old African American boy who awaits his murder trial. But did he really commit the murder or was he just in the wrong place at the wrong time? A current issue, which might fuel your classroom discussion on justice an injustice in the United States.
  • Top Girls by Caryl Churchill: An empowering play about what it means to be a tough businesswoman in modern society. But must one ‘pass as a man’ to be successful as a woman? This drama allows you to problematise unequal opportunities in the labour market such as the pay gap, gender stereotypes and sexism.

Initiated by the International Theatre Institute in 1961, World Theatre Day reminds us to celebrate the rich and cultural diverse tradition of theatrical performances. Theatre connects people, encourages dialogue and fosters creativity. In the recent year, however, the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted theatrical life and forced theatres to close. Live performances have been cancelled ever since and been replaced by social distance and online performances. As long as stages remain empty, dark and dusty, actresses and actors need to be supported. Acting for OthersTheatre Support FundActors’ Benevolent Fund and other funds have provided support and assistance for theatre workers in the UK. Also, many theatres offer tickets for live streams and online performances: London’s Old Vic Theatre will stage and stream Dr Seuss’s The Lorax from 14. – 17. April 2021. On Tuesday, the 22. April, teachers all around the world have the opportunity to register for a free school ticket for one of the performances on World Earth Day.

If you come across a brilliant new drama that you think teachers should know about, make sure to suggest it so we can feature it on Lit4School.

Enjoy your Easter holidays, kind regards and stay safe everyone!

Sarah, Sarah-Sophia, Rico and Simon

This past year has taught us to value many things we once took for granted. Consequently, it’s only fitting for this year’s World Water Day motto to be “Valuing Water”. Discussions about the value of water can be held with students regardless of age. On the UN Water’s website, you can find resources and information all about the World Water Day, including past themes, an interactive toolkit and guiding questions you can discuss with students. What does water mean to them? How does water or the lack thereof affect their lives? For younger students, the illustrated books Saving Tally and Somebody Swallowed Stanley are a wonderful introduction to environmental pollution, as the stories follow animals trying to navigate their way through an ocean filled with plastic. Older students could benefit from watching The True Cost. This documentary dives into the production of fast fashion and the damage it does to humans and the environment. Did you know that it takes roughly 2700 litres to produce a cotton T-shirt? Perhaps this day can help us value the many ways water sustains us and be extra thankful for that hot shower or dishwasher.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe!


Am 21. März wird weltweit der Internationale Tag gegen Rassismus begangen. An diesem Tag wurden im Jahr 1960 in der südafrikanischen Stadt Sharpeville 69 Menschen ermordet. Sie hatten sich mit 5000 anderen versammelt, ohne einen Pass bei sich zu tragen. Die Versammelten waren angetreten, sich verhaften zu lassen, so wie es die Rechtslage ihres Staates für diesen Fall vorsah – ziviler Ungehorsam in der Nachfolge Mahatma Gandhis. Die Ermordeten waren Schwarze Bürger*innen, die Täter Polizisten, Vertreter eines Staates, in dem die Segregationspolitik der Apartheid herrschte. Also eine Politik, die die schwarze Mehrheitsbevölkerung unterdrückte, vom öffentlichen Leben in weiten Bereichen ausschloss, Schwarze zu Menschen zweiter Klasse erklärte, um einer weißen Minderheit massive Vorteile zu verschaffen.

Der Ermordeten von Sharpeville gedenken wir in anderer Form als etwa der Opfer der Sachsenkriege Karls des Großen. Während diese Geschichte im allgemeinen Bewusstsein als abgeschlossen gilt und mit unserer Gegenwart lediglich so wie jede Vergangenheit als Vorzeit der Jetztzeit verbunden ist, ist die Geschichte des Massakers von Sharpeville aktuell. Das Gedenken der Opfer von 1960 ist zugleich ein Gedenken der Opfer jeglicher rassistischen Gewalt; ist ein Aufruf gegen Rassismus in unserer Gegenwart.

Rassismus gibt es tagtäglich und weltweit. Beobachtungen in Deutschland fördern ebenso alarmierende Befunde zu Tage wie anderswo. Bereits die offiziellen Zahlen des Bundesinnenministeriums zeigen es. In der Kategorie ‚Hasskriminalität‘ werden hier Straftaten gezählt, die durch gruppenbezogene Vorurteile motiviert sind: 2019 waren es 7909, die mit dem – problematischen – Vermerk ‚fremdenfeindlich‘ registriert wurden. 7909mal wurde also einem Menschen aufgrund seiner Herkunft, seines Aussehens, seiner Sprache, seiner Religionszugehörigkeit und vielem, das ihn in seinem Sosein auszeichnet, Leid zugefügt. Das sind lediglich die Vorfälle, die behördlich als Straftaten erfasst wurden, viele weitere bleiben im Dunkel.

Am 21. März wird aber nicht nur der Internationale Tag gegen Rassismus, sondern auch der Welttag der Poesie begangen. Möglicherweise fragt sich die eine oder der andere Leser*in: Wie kann man an 69 Todesopfer rassistischer Gewalt erinnern und zugleich die Schönheit sprachlicher Kunstwerke feiern? Einige beispielhafte Gedanken in dieser Richtung machen vielleicht deutlich, dass hier kein Widerspruch gesehen werden muss.

Stellen wir uns vor: Trister, grauer Alltag. Wir greifen zu einem Buch, beginnen zu lesen, lesen von Nuri, einem Mädchen aus Syrien, und Calvin, einem Jungen, einem Neonazi, wir lesen von den Schwierigkeiten, Anfeindungen und Ängsten die Nuri zu überstehen hat, lesen vom Hass und den Vorurteilen die Calvin und seine Freunde gegenüber Menschen wie Nuri haben, lesen davon, dass Nuri Calvin Nachhilfe gibt, lesen, dass Calvin sich in Nuri verliebt. lesen von dem Konflikt, in den ihn seine Liebe bringt. Wir lesen die letzte Seite und klappen das Buch zu. Und vielleicht haben wir Fragen, die bleiben: Warum sind solche Liebesgeschichten in unserer Welt die Ausnahme? Warum haben Vorurteile so viel Macht? Warum siegt so oft der Hass und nicht die Liebe? Was können wir tun, damit sich daran etwas ändert? – Peer Martins Jugendroman Sommer unter schwarzen Flügeln zeigt, dass Poesie nicht fehl am Platz ist, wenn es darum geht, Rassismus zum Thema zu machen. Im Gegenteil, sie bietet Gelegenheit, Wirklichkeit und Möglichkeit zu verbinden. Sie ist mehr als der Artikel in einer Zeitschrift, der zählbare Fakten über rassistische Verbrechen zusammenträgt, sie ist mehr als das Programm einer Organisation, das antirassistische Forderungspunkte zusammenstellt. Poesie kann Aufforderungscharakter in sich tragen, ohne aufzufordern, kann Fragen stellen, ohne zu fragen.

Lit4School ist angetreten, Beispiele zu sammeln, die dazu Chancen bieten. Viele Bücher und Gedichte schaffen es, Schülerinnen und Schüler für das Thema Rassismus zu sensibilisieren. Manche tun das direkter, ausdrücklicher, konkreter als andere. Wir empfehlen besonders folgende Titel; die Liste wird ständig aktualisiert:

Deutschsprachige Titel:

Kirsten Boie: Erwachsene reden. Marco hat was getan

Faber: Wer nicht schwimmen kann, der taucht

Yaa Gyasi: Heimkehren

Peer Martin: Sommer unter schwarzen Flügeln

Davide Morosinotto: Die Mississippi-Bande. Als wir mit drei Dollar reich wurden

Lukas Rietzschel: Mit der Faust in die Welt schlagen

Senthuran Varatharajah: Vor der Zunahme der Zeichen

Englischsprachige Titel:

Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah: Black Friday

James Barry: Black Kid in a New Place

Langston Hughes: That Is My Dream!

August Wilson: Fences

Hintergrundlektüre für Lehrkräfte (deutschsprachig):

Mohamed Amjahid: Der weiße Fleck: Eine Anleitung zu antirassistischem Denken

Alice Hasters: Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen aber wissen sollten

Tupoka Ogette: Exit Racism

Noah Sow: Deutschland schwarz weiß


Afua Hirsch: Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging

Ibrahim X. Kendi: How to Be an Antiracist

Johny Pitts: Afropean

Anders Walker: The Burning House: Jim Crow and the Making of Modern America

— Frieder Stange

For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.” – William Wordsworth, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” (1807) 

Since 1999 World Poetry Day celebrates and recognises intercultural, linguistic diversity in poetic expression with readings, exhibitions and recitations. Described as the ‘spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings‘ (William Wordsworth, Preface to Lyrical Ballads) and as an art, which ‘makes familiar things be as they were not familiar’ (Percy Bysshe ShelleyA Defence of Poetry and Other Essays), poetry is a literary genre that usually features (1) brevity, (2) density, (3) subjectivity, (4) musicality and (5) complexity. As for every other literary genre, definitions vary, but it might be safe to say that most poetic forms rhyme, follow a regular sequence of stressed and unstressed syllables (metre) and are, due to their density, rich in stylistic and rhetorical devices. 

Teaching poetry allows for flexibility, as poems are usually shorter and fit into one lesson. ‘Language cast in verse‘ (Michael Meyer, English and American Literature) comes in multiple shapes and poetic sub-genres (such as lullabies, Christmas carols, songs, odes, free verse, rap, sonnets and haiku) that you might want to explore with your students. Poems are available for different language levels and offer a great variety of topics that are mentioned in the teaching curricula. Most importantly, poetry can motivate your students, as it allows for creative classroom activities. The (1) pre-, (2) while-, (3) post sequence, provides a well-structured framework when applying poetic texts to the EFL classroom. (1) Before reading the poem to the class, you may introduce the author, explain the communicative situation, discuss or brainstorm about the title or familiarise your pupils with unknown vocabulary, phrases and grammatical structures. (2) The while-stage offers different possibilities for recitation such as choral-, role-, mood-, chain- and commented reading. Also, you can provide your class with incomplete or wrong versions of the text (gaps, jumbled and nonsense lines etc.) the students have to correct during the 1st and 2nd reading. (3) After you read the text twice with your students, you should check their global and detailed understanding by asking questions. This stage also allows for discussions on different perceptions or an evaluation and contextualisation of the poem. Vivid imagery, rhetorical forms, concentration, compression, reduction and the repetition of words, sounds and phrases charge poetic language with meaning and allow for analytic and formalistic interpretations during this stage. Excessive analysis, however, bears the chance of close readings, intensive reception and revealing reader responses, but also the danger of one-sided teaching, which can be perceived as ‘boring’ and ‘tedious’ by learners of English. Therefore, analysis and interpretation should always be accompanied by playful, creative and experimental tasks and activities e.g. adding a stanza or verse, collaborative creative writing, interpretative recitation or poetry slam competitions. 

Free resources for English poetry, such as or, can be found on the internet. Also, Lit4School offers a great variety of poetic texts for every grade and school form. Here is a selection of our all-time favourite poetic texts featured on our platform:

Elementary School (Grundschule)

Middle School and School for Students with Special Needs (Oberschule und Förderschule)

Grammar and Vacational School (Gymnasium und Berufsschule)

Spoken word poems are a powerful phenomenon of contemporary poetry. Have you thought about using one in your EFL classroom yet? Here are a few examples, which also address current affairs such as #fridaysforfuture, #metoo and #blacklivesmatter:

We hope you enjoyed our second #EFLSpecial blogpost on poetry in the English language classroom. Soon, our third post is coming and this time dramatic texts will be explored and explained further.

Literary regards, stay safe and tuned,


Most of us remember the stories, fairytales, fables and anecdotes our parents, grandparents and educators told us once. Ever since, quite a few of us have changed roles and become enthusiastic story-tellers. Today, on World Storytelling Day, we celebrate the rich and colourful heritage of an intercultural art, which also marks the first blog entry of our EFL Special “Literature in the (Elementary) Classroom”

Storytelling is a cultural practice, which already existed long before Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press and Caxton’s introduction of printing to the British Isles. The history of oral transmission is probably as old as language itself but remains an essential tool for the preservation of shared values and the diverse history of cultures all around the world, as well as for entertainment and educational purposes. Skillful storytelling demands the speaker to unfold the text meaningfully. To make the listeners hang on every word, the story-teller must interpret the story. When accompanied by movement, gestures, mime and music, storytelling inspires the imagination of children and grownups. Acting skills, improvisation, the effective use of intonation and audience involvement can enhance the understanding of the listeners as well. Here is a perfect example of storytelling, performed by Mara Menzies at the National Storytelling Festival 2019, organised by the International Storytelling Center in Jonesborough. Festivals, such as the Scottish International Storytelling Festival, offer a great insight into the variety of different storytelling methods, traditions and techniques. 

In school, storytelling is usually found in the elementary EFL classroom but can be used in all forms of schools and at all levels of proficiency. The method (1) provides your pupils with authentic literature, (2) introduces them to new words, phrases and grammatical structures, (3) invites them to interact and imitate, (4) motivates them and (5) opens up a great variety of creative follow-up activities. Before you start telling the story, your students must be familiarised with unknown grammatical structures and new vocabulary. Choral repetition is an effective strategy that will help your pupils remember important passages. It is appropriate to include all learner types (kinesthetic, visual and auditory) when applying storytelling techniques. Therefore, you may want to use sensory stimuli to fuel their imagination by making them smell, taste, hear, see and feel the story. Also, to activate your pupils, you may want to ask questions or make them imitate aspects of the story. You might also use the technique to introduce elements of a literary text: characters, setting (time, place, atmosphere), plot, themes, conflict and point of view. To learn more about storytelling this resource by the QUA-LIS NRW or these guidelines and examples by the Landesinstitut für Schule und Medien Berlin-Brandenburg might be helpful. 

Contrary to the assumption that literature in the EFL classroom is just for pupils with advanced language skills, age-appropriate texts are available for all levels of English. Beginners usually enjoy shorter and visualised forms that rhyme, which are introduced, read and explained by the teacher. Well-chosen stories will enhance the motivation of your pupils and spice up your English teaching at school. Here is a selection of our all-time favourite children’s picture books, which are perfect for storytelling:

You will be surprised that even in times of distance-teaching storytelling techniques remain effective tools for language teachers e.g. by using videoconferencing systems or taped readings. There are quite some stories that are waiting to be told by you.

Stay safe everyone!


If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.”― Oscar Wilde

What do Lit4School and St. Patrick’s Day have in common? Well, both celebrate the rich cultural heritage of classic and contemporary Irish literature. Named after St. Patrick, who probably was not the first but the most popular Christian missionary, bishop and patron of Ireland during the fifth century. The feast day was found in the 17th century and remains a cultural and religious celebration in the Republic of Ireland e.g. in Dublin, Northern Ireland and the Irish diaspora until the present day. On March 17th, the death day of St. Patrick, public parades, festivals, traditional Irish music sessions (céilí) and church services are held. The green shamrock represents St. Patrick and the Christian holy trinity while the four-leaf clover traditionally symbolises luck. However, the festivities were also criticised for supporting Irish stereotypesexcluding LGBT groups and becoming over commercialised in recent years. 

On Lit4School, we do feature quite a variety of Irish authors – from more classical ones such as Bram Stoker, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde and Seamus Heany  to more recent examples such as Anne DevlinJohn BoyneSarah Crossan… If you are looking for Irish Poetry, this beautifully illustrated collection of poetry for children and young adults is worth taking a look into. Do you like to learn more about Irish children’s literature? Well, we invite you to take a look at CBI – Children’s Books Ireland. CBI is the national arts and charity organisation of Ireland’s children’s literature and therefore offers great connections to Irish writers, illustrators and publishers. Check CBI’s literature recommendations for poetry, sport, emotional well-being and many more on their reading lists. Lastly, we would like to recommend a very remarkable Irish, who did the beautiful illustrations for a recent copy of “A Christmas Carol”. P.J. Lynch provides his readers with detailed pictures that convey a realistic view and an emotional message simultaneously. His pictures invite young and advanced readers equally to discover details and speak about the story, which contributes to the promotion of reading, especially for children. Check P.J. Lynch’s website if you want to learn more about him, his works and projects.

May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold and at the end of your rainbows may you find your pot of gold or a beautiful piece of Irish literature.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day – Top o’ the mornin’ to ya all!

Melanie & Simon

Just for Fun!

English · 16 March 2021

A book doesn’t always have to have academic value to be worth reading. I’ve compiled some of my favourite novels, movies and shows to read or watch outside of the classroom – just for fun!


  • In case you loved The Hunger Games, you should take a look at the recently published prequel! A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes tells the story of soon to be villain Coriolanus Snow and his rise to power.
  • If you enjoy morally grey characters, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo has a lot to offer. This novel tells the same story from multiple perspectives. Set in a fantasy world reminiscent of Amsterdam, five outsiders set out on a journey to stop the spread of a drug lethal to humans and addictive to Grisha, people with magical abilities.
  • Moving from fantasy to science fiction, The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey is the first novel in a trilogy all about aliens, conspiracies and survival. Each wave comes in a different form of attack, from power outages and tsunamis to lethal viruses. The story follows 16-year-old Cassie’s fight for survival after a devastating loss.
  • The award-winning Flavia de Luce Mystery Series by Alan Bradley has captured the attention of teens and adults worldwide. The novels follow 11-year-old Flavia, a budding chemist, who finds herself solving one murder mystery after another. For an introduction to the series, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie is the way to go.


  • Mean Girls is seen as one of the most iconic comedies about “the high school experience”. The film covers everything from cliques and popularity to manipulation and self-image. 16-year-old Cady has never attended a public school. So when she enters high school, she feels like fresh meat being thrown to the wolves. Although she finds friends quickly, she gets wrapped up in the Mean Girls clique. Before she knows it, Cady finds herself in the middle of a convoluted plan to take down the queen bee, Regina George. And as much as she hates Regina George, Cady’s actions seem more and more in line with what a mean girl would do.
  • Mrs Doubtfire is an example of a comedy that hasn’t aged and is still relevant today. The film shows the life of a family following a hard divorce, after which the mother, Miranda, is granted sole custody. Unable to cope with the absence of his children, the father, Daniel, decides to pose as a nanny to be close to them. And so “Mrs. Doubtfire” is born.
  • The award-winning film The Devil Wears Prada features multiple famous actors and is definitely not just for fashion lovers. Andy is an aspiring journalist who hasn’t found the right job yet. Although she has no interest in fashion, she applies at “Runway Fashion Magazine” and intrigues chief editor Miranda Priestley enough to land the job as a junior assistant. Miranda’s ridiculous demands and expectations start to destroy Andy’s social life, but spark her ambition and, unexpectedly, her love for fashion.

TV Shows:

  • The 100 is a post-apocalyptic science fiction show with a straightforward concept. Following earth’s destruction via atomic bombs, humans fled to space to wait for the radiation levels to be survivable. The rules on board the Ark are tough, any adult who breaks them is sentenced to death and “floated” into space. But when their space ship starts running out of oxygen, the leaders send 100 teen delinquents to the ground as a last resort before mass population reduction. They thought the teenagers’ main struggle would be surviving radiation, but no one could foresee what (or who) was in store for them. The show features 7 seasons, specializing in morally grey characters and impossible situations. When does someone stop being the good guy? How far can one go before they are no longer worthy of redemption?
  • Staying in the realm of science fiction TV shows, Westworld also provokes analyzing and pondering. Set around 40 years into the future, amusement parks are all the rage. However, these aren’t ordinary amusement parks. Robots have been perfected to the point of being indistinguishable from humans, which makes them the perfect attraction. They don’t feel pain, and you can do whatever you want to them without being judged. This shouldn’t be a problem as they’re just machines, right? Or are they? The show explores the idea of where consciousness begins.
  • It should be noted that both shows mentioned are ages 16 and up, mainly due to violence and gore.

Also, we do feature the new category “Beyond the Classroom”, which is meant for an advanced audience of English literature, movies, audiobooks, plays etc. The new cluster features literature and media that do not fit the topicalities of the curricula or that, due to their length and complexity, do not match the teaching environment of the EFL classroom. Exploring this section will provide you with several classic and contemporary suggestions beyond the classroom for your reading, viewing or listening list. 

I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy checking out some of my suggestions! Do you have any favourite novels that you read “just for fun”? Let us know!


Dear users,

Growing up is a process that all of us have to go through. Lit4School started as a vision in June 2018, became reality with our prototype, which was launched in April 2019 and grew into our final version, which has been available since November 2019. Ever since, we’ve been working on publishing new entries and blog posts to provide you, as teachers of German and English, with a well balanced, transparent and dynamic canon of literature and media for your classroom that you can select from.

As the title of this blogpost indicates, we do have reason(s) to celebrate: Together with the German side of the project, our platform currently features over 400 entries. Also, we have a brand new illustrated frontpage thanks to our web developer Jonatan Steller and our graphic designer Susanne Haase. Moreover, we have reviewed and revised our topic clusters and arguments in favour – a process we believe is necessary to ensure quality and topicality. A few days ago, we published our 300th English entry on Lit4School, and if you are wondering what No. 300: Voyage of the Sparrowhawk is about, you may have a look here. Currently, we are working on a suggestion form for advanced contributors, the “about us” section and means to make our entries more visible and catchy for you.

Thanks to all contributors and users of our resource, who have made this vision a reality.

Kind regards and stay safe everyone,


Read anything. Read the things they say are good for you, and the things they claim are junk. You’ll find what you need to find.” – Neil Gaiman 

As Neil Gaiman points out in the introductory quote: literature is an exciting adventure to embark on, a journey, which will take us to the most unusual places, which makes us connect to different ways of living and offers paradigm shifts for younger and older readers. The World Book Day or International Day of the Book was founded on April 23rd 1995 by the UNESCO to encourage young people to discover literature or as its founder, Baroness Gail Rebuck, outlines: “We wanted to do something to reposition reading and our message is the same today as it was then – that reading is fun, relevant, accessible, exciting, and has the power to transform lives.” Today, on March 4th 2021, we celebrate (re-)discovering literature, reading for pleasure and book enthusiasm all around the globe for the 24th time.

On this occasion, we would like to announce our EFL Special: “Literature in the Classroom”, which will explore different genres and works – from all-time-favourites to more current and topical examples of literature featured on Lit4School. Our EFL Special will provide you with a shortcut of didactic hints, methods and resources you can use when teaching literature in the EFL classroom.

Stay tuned and safe!


The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
          Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
          For promis’d joy!
” – Robert Burns

Steinberg’s tragical novel Of Mice and Men (1937) features two unequal friends during the Great Depression – the hardship of farm labourers in the face of unattainable dreams. The author of this powerful piece of literature, was born in 1902 and today, we celebrate his 118. birthday. John Steinbeck himself came to know hard work and later shaped that harsh reality of the depression into words which earned him a Nobel Prize for Literature. The title of the novel is an intertextual reference and was most probably taken from the line of Burns poem “To a Mouse” (1785) – which you find on top of this blogpost.

Even a text this old can trigger an experienced group of language learners to question how the individual can thrive in our world: How do we want our work to be – painful, anonymous or fruitful? How can there be a place for misfits in our hunt for wealth? And eventually, what is the value of a single life? If you dare a direct glance at the ugliness some people are enduring, Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men has just the right looking glass for you and your students.

Enjoy this timeless classic and stay safe everyone!


Make me immortal with a kiss.” – Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus

First things first: It is not Christopher Marlowe‘s birthday today but he was christened on February 26th 1564 – his exact date of birth remains unknown. Marlow, also known as “Kit”, was an Elizabethan author, playwright and translator. His most famous work is Doctor Faustus about whom Johann Wolfgang von Goethe later also wrote two popular plays. It’s based on the historical Johann Georg Faust, a German alchemist, astrologer and magician who became a figure of folk legend.

Legends and myth however surround Marlow’s life and oeuvre: Some scholars believe he faked his death and, henceforth, wrote under different pseudonyms, most famously William Shakespeare. Although the Marlowe-Theory has not been verified, it adds to the popularity of both playwrights.

Lastly, Christopher Marlowe is worth a read – also an interesting figure in regard to discussing authorship in the realm of Shakespeare with your pupils.

Kind regards and stay safe,


Books are a form of political action. Books are knowledge. Books are reflection. Books change your mind.” – Toni Morrison

Chloe Anthony Wofford Morrison, aka Toni Morrison, was a well-established American essayist, novelist, book editor, and college professor. In the late 1960s, she became the first black female book editor at Random House in New York. She was also the first African-American woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature and is best known for her unique critical views and accounts on slavery, race and racism in the US. In total, she was given 40 awards amongst which a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1988 for her much-celebrated novel Beloved, historical fiction with supernatural elements inspired by the life of Margaret Garner, an escaped slave and mother from Kentucky. Her short story Sweetness also concerns itself with the difficulties of motherhood in a world where ethnic differences matter.

Let’s clink our glasses to Toni Morrison – Happy Birthday!


When in doubt go to the library.” – J. K. Rowling

Founded once in Australia, the #LibraryLoversDay and #LibraryLoversMonth celebrate reading, book enthusiasm and the rich tradition of libraries all around the world: The first libraries, a word derived from Ancient Greek originally meaning ‘bookcase’, date bake to 2600 BC. Today, their collection also includes video games, newspapers, films, prints, CDs and many other forms of media. This year’s theme for the Library Lover’s Day was ‘Make a date with your library‘ – which reminds us that library services were and are available even during a pandemic situation via digital resources and distant loans.

On Lit4School we do feature quite a variety of texts that explore libraries and the passion for reading. These texts are suitable for a cross-curricular teaching project in cooperation with your local library or book store: The New LiBEARianLittle Red Reading HoodLibrary LionThe Incredible Book Eating BoyIt’s a Book and I Will Judge You By Your Bookshelf.

Share your love and passion for reading with your pupils, stay safe and have a beautiful Library Lover’s Day!


February 9th: Alice Walker

English · 9 February 2021

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker 

We would like to wish a happy birthday to Alice Walker today! Not only has she shaped the world with her literary accomplishments, but her social activism as well. Winner of the National Literary Award and the Pulitzer Prize, her novel The Color Purple tells a story of abuse, oppression, and love. Teenager Celie is raped and abused by her father but finds love through the women in her life. She manages to find happiness, moving out with her girlfriend and starting a tailoring business. And while this character regains power and control over her life, many cannot say the same. Alice Walker has dedicated her voice to multiple causes throughout her life, including the Women’s Rights and Civil Right’s Movement. Thank you and Happy Birthday!

Stay safe (and warm)!


Created in 2000, World Cancer Day aims to raise awareness for and improve education surrounding this devastating disease that affects so many people’s lives. True to this year’s motto I Am and I Will!, the Union for International Cancer Control offers educational resources as well as suggestions on how to take action and make a difference. The following media suggestions offer representation by showing authentic, complex characters that aren’t defined by their illness.

The tragic love story The Fault in our Stars follows 16-year-old cancer-patient Hazel on her journey of love, fun, pain and ultimately loss. Of course, cancer doesn’t solely affect those diagnosed, but their loved ones as well. My Sister’s Keeper tells the story of teenager Anna, who was conceived to act as a donor for her sister Kate, who struggles with leukemia. Anna is torn between wanting to help her sister and longing to be a normal teenager.

Check out the resources listed above and have a wonderful day!


Let America be America again, let it be the dream it used to be.” – Langston Hughes

These first lines taken from Hughes’ poem “Let America be America again” (1935) seem now more topical than ever: In 2020 police violence, institutional racism and discrimination remained a current issue in the United States and beyond. Never has the ‘pursuit of happiness‘ seemed so far off. Recently, the land ‘where every man is free‘ has witnessed a change in government and the hope to overcome the inequalities – also expressed by the poem’s speaker – and to make this dream the reality of tomorrow, remains a vision and task for the Biden-Harris administration.

Today, we celebrate Hughes’ poetics and his 120th birthday, which marks the beginning of the ‘Black History Month’ – an annual observance for African-diasporan- and African-American history and heritage all around the world. As an award-winning poet, novelist, playwright, political activist and leading figure of the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes reflected the joys, needs and frustration of black working-class life and brought African-American identity, racial inequalities and stereotyping on the literary agenda. His works offer colourful insights into African-American life in the 1920s and herald the recognition of black literature and arts.

On Lit4School, we feature the illustrated version That Is My Dream (2017) of Hughes’ “Dream Variations”, which is suitable for younger learners of English, and two works for intermediate learners – the short story Early Autumn and the poem mentioned earlier.

Kind regards and stay safe,
