
Cover of this title
Friday Black
Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

This collection of twelve dystopian short stories exposes institutionalised racism, social injustice, and the devastating effects of consumerism on contemporary and near-future society. As ‘dark satires’, they explore the interconnectedness of black identity and the socio-economical realities of the US. ‘The Finkelstein Five’, for example, reveals police violence and the prejudice of the US justice system against black people. The title of the collection relates to ‘Black Friday’ – the Friday following Thanksgiving where stores offer special discounts and sales.

All stories are suitable for a cross-curricular project that might foster the awareness of ethical consumerism and everyday racism.

· · 2018

Critical edition

Adjei-Brenyah, Nana Kwame. Friday Black. Riverrun, 2019. 194 pp., ISBN 9781787476004

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In favour of this entry

  • Addresses current affairs
  • Award-winning
  • Democratic and political education
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Silenced voices