
Cover of this title
Of Mice and Men
John Steinbeck

A tragedy on the American Dream – exploring themes of human interaction, dependence and isolation. The narrator follows George and Lennie, two very opposite friends, who dream of owning their own piece of land during the Great Depression. Before their dream comes true, Lennie accidentally commits a murder and their vision becomes even more impossible…

As the drama adaptation touches upon historical and political topics an interdisciplinary teaching project with History, Politics and Social Science is possible – the original version is a novel.

/ · · 1937

Critical edition

Steinbeck, John. "Of Mice and Men." Of Mice and Men and The Moon is Down: Two Plays, edited by James Earl Jones, Penguin, 2010. 104 pp., ISBN 9780143106135

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In favour of this entry

  • Classic
  • Explores historical contexts
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Silenced voices
  • Students can identify with the text
  • Recommended by a federal state: Baden-Württemberg, Hesse