Booktok und Bookstagram – der Hype um Bücher im Netz

Auf sozialen Plattformen werden längst nicht mehr nur Memes und Makeup-Tutorials geteilt. Mittlerweile gibt es viele Influencer:innen, die tausenden Follower:innen jeden Tag neue Bücher empfehlen. Die Hashtags #Booktok (eine Mischung aus Books und TikTok) und #Bookstagram (Books und Instagram) sind insbesondere bei jungen Menschen sehr beliebt. Hier werden Bücher rezensiert, weiterempfohlen, kreativ besprochen und ästhetisch ansprechend ausgestellt. Es gibt ganze inoffizielle Bestsellerlisten, die die Bücher aufzählen, die am häufigsten besprochen und für gut befunden wurden. Diese Bücher lösen einen Hype aus – jede:r will sie gelesen haben, überall hört man von ihnen. Manche Verlage nutzen dies auch als Werbung. Unter „Booktok Highlights“ kann man beim dtv-Verlag nachschauen, welche Bücher am meisten weiterempfohlen wurden. Besonders beliebt: die Genres Romance, Fantasy und New Adult.

Dass dieser Trend viele Vorteile mit sich bringt, liegt wohl auf der Hand. So steigert sich insgesamt die Lesemotivation, neue Inspirationsquellen werden gefunden und zudem sind die Plattformen ein Ort sozialen Austauschs, wo Communities sich zusammenfinden und ein Zugehörigkeitsgefühl vermitteln. Nachdem Lesen als Hobby lange Zeit lang etwas aus der Mode gekommen war, ist ein Bücherwurm zu sein nun wieder gesellschaftsfähig. Zudem haben nun auch kleinere Autor:innen und Selfpublisher:innen die Chance, eine breite Masse zu erreichen. 

Auf der Schattenseite steht, dass manchmal auch Bücher gehypet werden, deren Inhalte nicht für alle Altersstufen gleich angemessen sind. Besonders Dark Romance ist sehr beliebt, doch dieses Genre ist auch bekannt für explizite Gewaltdarstellungen und andere Trigger. Zudem bekommen bestimmte Bücher asymmetrisch viel Aufmerksamkeit und andere rücken dadurch in den Hintergrund. 

Insgesamt gilt immer noch: man muss ein Buch einfach selbst lesen, um zu entscheiden, ob es gut ist.

If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things”- René Descartes

With the end of summer and the beginning of autumn and now even a winter-like atmosphere, a popular trend has made another annual appearance, especially throughout the communities of BookTok and Bookstagram– Dark Academia. Today I would like to introduce the genre and its themes and talk about its trend and why many people misinterpret its intentions due to its popularity on the internet. 

Dark academia, when talking about literature, is a genre filled with mysterious and volatile narratives that often take place in settings of higher education. Most of the time it surrounds individuals or groups who either study literature, ancient languages such as Greek or Latin, or any form of art.  Here, I would like to introduce one of my favourite dark academic novels. 

If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio

Rio’s debut novel introduces Oliver Marks upon his release from his ten-year prison sentence after the murder of one of his friends. He is greeted by Detective Colborne who, ten years earlier, was in charge of the murder investigations. With his retirement drawing closer, the detective is desperate to hear the truth about the events leading up to the murder and eventually also the truth about the case. Having lost everything that is most dear to him, Oliver finally tells not only his but also his friends’ story of what really happened that tragic night. After this initial introduction the book skips back in time to 1997, Oliver’s fourth and final year at the Dellecher Classical Conservatory where he, alongside his six friends, was a Shakespeare acting student. From the beginning it is established that all seven have been assigned roles, both on stage and in real life, which seem to be based on inevitable stereotypes according to their performed character traits; the way they presented themselves. Oliver Marks is introduced as the sidekick, James Farrow as the hero, Alexander Vass as the villain, Meredith Dardenne as the temptress, Richard Stirling as the tyrant, Wren Sterling as the ingénue and Filippa Kosta as the chameleon. While not all of them are pleased with these set roles, they never attempt to change their professors’ minds about the casting decisions. That is until all of their roles are mixed up on purpose for the annual Halloween performance of Hamlet. This drastic decision stirs up troubles for the group and their friendship is challenged. The conflict climaxes with the death of one of the acting students and six potential murder suspects. But who killed them and why? Who can be trusted and who can’t? And is Shakespeare to blame for any of it?

On TikTok, many users agree that dark academia has a so-called ‘holy trinity’. This varies for every user depending on their preferred books, yet, most of the time If We Were Villains, Dead Poets Society and The Secret History can be found as the top recommendations to get a feeling of this specific genre.

Dead Poets Society by Nancy H. Kleinbaum

Kleinbaum’s novel is based on the 1989 film of the same name. Set in a boys-only elite prep school in 1959, the story follows a group of students who are inspired by their new English teacher, John Keating (in the movie played by Robin Williams), to think independently and challenge the expectations of society. Keating encourages them to ‘carpe diem’, to seize the day, be passionate and live their lives the way they want to. This leads a selected group of students to form the Dead Poets Society, a secret club where they read poetry and discuss life without any constraints of a controlled setting. As the boys struggle between personal freedom and the pressures caused by tradition, the novel explores themes of rebellion, the search for identity and the consequences of defying any form of authority in such a strict environment. 

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

The Secret History follows Richard Papen, a student who becomes involved with a group of elite classics students at a small college in Vermont, led by their professor Julian Morrow,  who is described as an enigma. With his increasing involvement, Richard discovers the group’s obsession with beauty, philosophy and the eventually dangerous pursuit of perfection. The group’s internal structure is challenged after they commit a murder, setting off a spiral of guilt and betrayal. The novel explores themes of morality, the consequences of intellectual elitism, and the possibility of darkness within human nature. 

More Recommendations:

  • The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oskar Wilde
  • Babel by R.F. Kuang
  • The Atlas Six by Olive Blake
  • A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid
  • Bunny by Mona Awad
  • Wilder Girls by Rory Power
  • Vicious by V.E. Schwab
  • In My Dreams I Hold a Knife by Ashley Winstead
  • Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

Even though these summaries already show a connection through drastic events such as death and betrayal, dark academia is often romanticized because it carters into a longing for intellectualism and mystery. The genre celebrates classical literature, arts, and the love for learning and academic pursuit in settings of prestigious and often centuries-old institutions which evoke a sense of tradition and elitism. Adding this to the characters’ almost obsessive behaviour in their intellectual lives, an atmosphere of intrigue and passion is created which draws readers in through its aspirational and alluring nature. Yet, the genre also explores darker themes such as death, moral ambiguity and the extreme consequences of intellectualism. These themes offer readers a feeling of depth which cannot be found in our modern lives. 

However, many of the listed books do not follow this pattern of romanticising these themes but they criticise them. Both The Secret History and If We Were Villains, mainly due to their similarities in content, show how dangerous this obsessive behaviour can be and how extreme intellectualism and elitism end in tragedy. Each novel individually creates an attractive and slightly mysterious setting which catches the readers’ attention, encapsulating them in the story. Yet, they never hide the dangers the places offer and how it negatively affects everyone present- in these cases how it drives people to murder their own friends. The warnings behind the story become even more apparent with Tartt’s use of an unreliable narrator and Rio’s use of a rather unknowing narrator; they cannot be fully trusted as no one ever knows the truth in its entirety. Unfortunately, those messages are often ignored due to their online presence and popularity. Many BokTok users solely focus on love relationships and the prestige setting itself rather than reading between the lines and appreciating its complexity and absurdity; they romanticise tragedy and obsessive behaviour and only focus on the beauty of literature or art. Yet, to some extent, this, at least in my opinion, reflects the story itself as the obsession with intellectualism and the beauty of perfection is mirrored in the interests of the readers; their focus reflects the focus of most of the characters. This highlights how easy it is to be drawn into this dangerous spiral, even though we are not actually part of it. 

What is your take on the online trend of dark academia? What do you think about this ‘morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs’? Would you blame Shakespeare for any of it?

Exeunt Omnes

Lisa Apel

‘These young writers are the future of literature. Watch. History will prove me right.’– Bill Buford, editor of Granta, 1979–1995

Granta magazine selects twenty British novelists under forty every decade since 1983, showcasing emerging literary talents and new perspectives on British culture. With this blog entry, I would like to introduce you to a selection of Granta novelists and their world which could be important or interesting for classroom discussions.

Natasha Brown- Assembly

While the young novelist Natasha Brown was featured with her work Universality, I would still like to move the focus to her 100-page debut novel Assembly (2021). The novella’s unnamed narrator, a Black British woman, works in a London financial firm filled with primarily male colleagues. Even though she is presented as the official face of the firm’s diversity she is confronted with daily humiliations ranging from sexual remarks to explicit racial assaults. As she prepares for a garden party at her white boyfriend’s family estate, she questions her identity of assembled pieces. The narrative, through the form of vignettes, explores the protagonist’s struggles with corporate dynamics, gender, and racism highlighting the challenges she faces in navigating a predominantly white male work environment.

Sophie Mackintosh- The Water Cure

In The Water Cure, a father creates a protected and secluded island for his wife and daughters to escape the violence of the masculine outside world. When he suddenly vanishes, three unknown men arrive, sparking tension and a psychological battle with and between the sisters. This story of a post-apocalyptic setting explores violence, desire, and survival through a narrative reflecting our reality. Mackintosh explores toxic masculinity and how women are affected by it while also introducing themes such as violence and escapism concerning gender.

Sophie Mackintosh- Blue Ticket

Mackintosh’s Blue Ticket introduces a world where women are assigned their future based on a lottery-appointed ticket colour. A white ticket means marriage and children, while a blue ticket grants a career and freedom. When Calla, the novel’s protagonist, questions her destiny as a blue-ticket owner, she has to run away. Blue Ticket explores themes such as free will, social expectations, and motherhood.

Derek Owusu- Losing the Plot

Derek Owusu traces his mother’s past, imagining her journey from Ghana to the UK and the challenges she faced in a new land. Losing the Plot explores the intergenerational effects of displacement, blending raw emotion with playful storytelling. Owusu explores themes such as the experience of immigration, parenthood in a new culture, and the loneliness that comes with this journey.

Have you heard of these authors and their works before? Which of these stories sparks your interest and why?

Lisa A.

You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have”- Maya Angelou

In my free time, I often try to look up new projects to decorate my bookshelves. Here, I like to express myself and reflect on who I am as a reader, as I believe that a bookshelf can say a lot about a person. Today, I would like to introduce you to my favourite bookish DIY project, which I try to do at least once a year. I first encountered this DIY in 2021 when I stumbled upon its BookTok trend and immediately fell in love with this cute decoration idea. Today I want to talk about mini books and how you can easily craft your own. 

Mini Books are exactly what the title promises, they are DIY books made of paper and glue. Here, you can create mini versions of your favourite books in only 5 steps. This project, in the form I am presenting it, requires a computer, the Internet and a printer. However, I have also heard of people who did not need these extra materials and did all of the steps by hand, it just takes a bit longer and is slightly more work.

Step 1: Think about what books you want to create and make a list. You will need a picture of the cover of every book which you can either take yourself if you own the book or have access to it, or you can look it up on Google. Now that you have decided on your books you have to create a template. I usually work with Canva where I create many 5×3.1 cm rectangles.

Step 2: Now that we have a base you can insert one cover into one box- make sure that it is on the left-hand side and sits right at the edges of the base rectangle. After this, you simply duplicate the cover and rotate it 180° and insert it on the right-hand side of the base. If you have done this the hardest and sometimes also the most nerve-wracking part is over! After that, you can decide on a spine colour and simply click on your base and change its colour to match the book’s cover or the actual book’s spine. 

Step 3: In this step, you simply print the template you’ve just created and cut out every rectangle. 

Step 4: Now that your book covers are ready you need a book to put it on. For this, you have to cut out paper stripes that are the same width as your templates, in this case, 3.1cm. After you cut them you have to fold them, alternating between front and back creases. Ensure they are the same size as your book covers so they do not stick out later.

Step 5: Get out your glue because it is time to put your own little book together. For this last step, you glue your folded paper strip on the unprinted inside of the book and fold it until it is in shape. If you want you can also put glue on the cover for a shiny finish or put it in between the folds so that the book eventually is more solid and looks a little bit thinner. These, however, are only suggestions for something I prefer and in no way necessary steps for it to work properly. And now you are done-it is simple as that!

I created my Canva template in 2021 when I was not yet enrolled in university and had a little more time. I am aware that not everyone who might be interested in this project has the needed time to create such a template therefore the link below will guide you to my own template which you can use if you’d like! It contains empty and coloured bases, a page full of exemplary book covers to show you what the finished template has to look like and a sheet of right-sized strips, ready to print.

Have you crafted your own mini-books before? Have you heard of this trend before this blog entry? What is the first book which you would want to create?

Have fun crafting your books and decorating your shelves!

Lisa A.

Reisewarnung für die ganze Welt

Und auf dem Mars der Rover sitzt und bellt

Begreift nicht, was die Erde grad befällt

Die Anglerfische tief im Meer erhellen

Ihr sorgenvolles Antlitz. Robben bellen:

Die Warnung gilt nur für die ganze Welt

Doch Gottseidank nicht für die ganzen Wellen

(Clemens Setz, 2024)

Soziale Medien sind ein Ort des Austauschs und der Mittelungen. Längst haben dies auch Dichter:innen für sich entdeckt: ganz ohne direkt ein Buch schreiben zu müssen, können niedrigschwellig kleine Gedichte auf dem eigenen Account hochgeladen werden. Diese Gedichte können sich auf die Beiträge anderer Nutzer:innen, alltägliche Situationen oder auch auf Werbung beziehen, die auf der Plattform geschaltet wurde. Meistens sind sie durch ein Zeichenlimit und einen Algorithmus beschränkt, der beispielsweise anstößige Wörter herausfiltert und den entsprechenden Beitrag meldet.

Die Ausgestaltung ist ansonsten völlig frei und kann von der Autorin oder dem Autoren selbst bestimmt werden: ob Reim oder freie Verse, der Verwendung von Großschreibungen, Emojis oder absichtlichen Falschschreibungen ist völlig ihnen überlassen, solange sie nicht die von den Plattformen vorgegebenen Regeln – Zeichenlimits o.ä. – verletzen.

Einer dieser Online-Poeten ist Clemenz Setz, der 2024 sein Buch Das All im eigenem Fell herausbrachte. Dort beschreibt er die Anfänge seiner Twitter-Poesie und sammelt zum einem seine eigenen Twitter-Gedichte, stellt aber zum anderen auch die Poet:innen vor, die ihn inspiriert haben. Neben Gedichten über Jahreszeiten und aktuellen Begebenheiten wie der Corona-Krise reagiert er häufig auf die Tweets anderer Nutzer:innen, vertont Tarotkarten und Wikihow-Artikel und schreibt Schlagzeilen weiter. Das obige Gedicht beispielsweise ist auf eine Schlagzeile hin entstanden, bei der während der Corona-Krise eine Reisewarnung in Österreich verhängt wurde. Wenn er bei einem Gedicht nicht weiterkam, haben ihm teilweise auch befreundete Autor:innen geholfen und sein Gedicht retweetet, um es weiterzuschreiben.

So kann mit Online-Poesie eine neue Unterkategorie von Lyrik entstehen, die eigenen Regeln folgt und neue Möglichkeiten bietet.

— Susanna Frank

“Breathe in, folks. Smells like Fall.” – Taylor Doose (Gilmore Girls, S03E07)

September 1. In my opinion, it is the perfect date to welcome autumn! Even though summer is still in full swing I get into a spooky and autumny mood, at least regarding movies, series or books. So, today I would like to introduce you to my personal autumn to-do list. The first thing I do every single year for the past 10 years is rewatch the American Drama series Gilmore Girls (dir. Amy Sherman-Palladino, 2000-2007). The series follows the mother-daughter duo Lorelei and Rory Gilmore in the small town of Stars Hollow in Connecticut and portrays their lives in such a tight-knit community, the struggle of family relations, education, love and friendship. While the series is not primarily about autumn or themes related to it it still became a comfort show for these specific months as it has become somewhat of a TikTok trend to have annual rewatches during this time due to the show’s aesthetics and vibes.

Did you know that a total of 408 books, poems or other texts are referenced throughout both the original series and its 2016 revival? Over the years it has become a trend amongst fans to see these references as a challenge- The Gilmore Girls Challenge based on Rory Gilmore’s Reading List. Have a look at it, maybe you can already cross off some of the works. 

Next to Gilmore Girls I also enjoy movies such as Dead Poets Society (dir. Peter Weir, 1989), Little Women (dir. Greta Gerwig, 2019) and Matilda (dir. Danny DeVito, 1996).

My Favourite Gilmore Girl Quotes:

  • “I…am an autumn” (S01E06)
  • “Nothing excites me before 11:00” (S04E09)
  • “My mother never gave me any idea that I couldn’t do whatever I wanted to do or be whomever I wanted to be. She filled our house with love and fun and books and music unflagging in her efforts to give me role models from Jane Austen to Eudora Welty to Patti Smith. As she guided me through these incredible eighteen years, I don’t know if she ever realised that the person I most wanted to be was her. Thank you Mom, you are my guidepost for everything” (S03E22)
  • “My books look sad. Can books look sad?” (S06E14)
  • “Who cares if I’m pretty if I fail my exams” (S03E21)
  • “Oh, do you see the books? Feel it. Feels good, right? Now smell it. Nothing, nothing smells like that” (S05E10)
  • “You’re a book tease” (S03E14)
  • “Oy, with the poodles already” (S02E22)
  • “Everything in my life has to do with coffee. I believe in a former life, I was coffee” (A Year in the Life Episode 4)
  • “I’m fine. I’m just being dramatic. It’s what I do” (S02E15)
  • “I’m not cut out to deal with people. I was made to be in a lab or an operating room or a bunker somewhere with a well-behaved monkey by my side” (S06E17)
  • “I hate when I’m an idiot and don’t know it. I like being aware of my idiocy” (S01E04)

Yet, while watching something is fun and a good way to get into an autumn vibe I prefer to bake cinnamon rolls, grab a tea and sit down with a good book. Every year I create an Autumn Reading List and I try to read as many books on my list as possible. However, I cannot read all day for two whole months and I am a mood reader, therefore, I approach my list as an option, a loose guide for myself to make this period special. If I do not get to read some books on my list, they either make it onto next year’s list or get a space on my to-be-read cart to read them later. It’s also important to note that not all books fit the autumn image; they are just works I want to read. Nevertheless, I also include books about witches, mystery, love, and suspense set in autumn! My most anticipated read this autumn is The Hedge Witch of Foxhall by Anna Bright. You can find this book on my reading list!

The Hedge Witch of Foxhall by Anna Bright

A rebellious witch, Ffion, in medieval Wales, seeks to restore magic while two princes compete for her affection. Ffion, the last hedgewitch of Foxhall, practices sustainable magic, unlike the powerful covens who sacrifice nature’s resources. As magic fades, Prince Taliesin, on command from his father the king to him and his brother, seeks to destroy the barrier causing its disappearance. Whoever succeeds is promised the throne. In desperation, Taliesin asks for the coven’s aid, who rejects him, causing Tal to meet Ffion and seek her help. The race for the throne intensifies as alliances shift and hearts are tested in a battle for power and love.

I started reading the book last night and could barely put it down. The story is fast-paced and a comforting read that fits the atmosphere of autumn. I am about halfway through and as much as I love the book until now it is a bit difficult to read at times. As the story is set in medieval Wales the written language is not the typical English you find in contemporary literature but a lot of old Welsh terms are used. Since I am not familiar with the Welsh language or its history, I had to look up quite a few words or pronunciations of names which eventually disrupted my reading flow. Nevertheless, the story and also the book’s writing are definitely worth it and I will finish reading the book. Until now, I can recommend this book and I think it is a shame that it has not gained more attention on social media platforms such as TikTok or Instagram. While the language made it slightly difficult to establish my normal reading flow it was a great reading experience and it made me realise just how England or Standard English focused my usual literature is.

What is your favourite season? Do you have certain habits then as well? Have you ever seen Gilmore Girls or heard of its reading challenge? How many books have you read from that list? Have you ever created your own reading list? What are your preferred Autumn reads?

Enjoy the rest of the summer and maybe, just like me, you will welcome autumn a bit early this year!

Lisa A. 

That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet”- Jhumpa Lahiri

Have you ever read a book and wished to live in its world for just a single day, to get the opportunity to experience this fictional world? As a fantasy reader, I experience this exact feeling more times than I can actually count. As a child, I wanted to go to Hogwarts, wanted to meet the Hobbits, fly with dragons, and explore cursed forests and impressive castles. Today, nothing much has changed, I would still love to go to Hogwarts, even though I am a bit old now, I would love to ride the dragons from Fourth Wing (Rebecca Yarros) or Fireborne (Rosaria Munda), I want to attend balls from Pride and Prejudice and I would love to explore the 7 Courts of Prythian from ACOTAR (Sarah J. Maas). Unfortunately, I will never be able to physically experience this, to live in my books. However, this does not mean that I will never experience something similar, something completely different and real, yet close enough to these fantasies to somehow fulfil this dream. 

Today I would like to present you my own Bookish Travel Bucket List full of places for book lovers. 

  • Jane Austen Festival, Bath
    • Every September, Bath, England, hosts the annual Jane Austen Festival, a spectacle to celebrate the great author Jane Austen. For the duration of the festival, Bath is transformed into a city of the Regency era. What makes the festival so special, and is also the first thing that caught my eye, is the dedication of the fans travelling to Bath. Most of the people arrive in Regency clothing to stroll through the streets of Bath, imagining being in one of her novels or walking the same paths as her. But, there are also lectures, talks and tours to inform guests about Jane Austen as a person, her literature and her influence. This year, the festival will be held from September 13 to September 22.
  • Ashdown Forest, UK
    • Everyone knows him and this forest is his home, or at least it is the inspiration for his home. Ashdown Forest is the inspiration and the setting of the famous children’s story Winnie-the-Pooh. 
  • King’s Cross, London, UK
    • Now, I have already crossed this off of my bucket list but maybe you would still like to visit it! This magical place belongs to the Harry Potter Universe as it hosts Platform 9 ³/⁴ at the King’s Cross Station in London.  A little picture setup has been provided for tourists to take their magical pictures when walking through the walls towards the platform to Hogwarts. In recent years, on September 1, many Harry Potter fans travelled to this railroad station to experience a special announcement informing about the departure of the train to Hogsmeade, a countdown and a personalised departure board entry. Unfortunately, due to the event’s rising popularity throughout the years, the organisers have cancelled the event and asked fans not to come. 
  • Verona, Italy
    • The city where Shakespeare’s famous play Romeo and Juliet is set.
  • Shakespeare and Dickens Walking Tour, London
  • Bart’s Books, Ojai, CA
  • Starfield Library, Seoul
  • Library of Victoria, Australia
  • Shakespeare and Company, Paris, France
  • El Ateneo Grand Splendid, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Strahov Monastery Library, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Edinburgh International Book Festival
  • Wigtown, Scotland’s National Book Town

Have you visited any of those places before? What is on your bookish travel list? Do you have one? What is one fictional world you would desperately want to visit?

Lisa A.

No matter what you write, you actually can’t help retelling a fairytale somewhere along the way”- Catherynne M. Valente

One of my most anticipated reads of the first half of this year was Marissa Meyer’s Heartless as it was recommended several times. As a fan of the original Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, I was rather sceptical when my friends first told me about a prequel about the Queen of Hearts. Yet, the longer I had the book on my TBR (to be read) pile, the more intrigued I got and I was not disappointed. After reading this book I suddenly got the idea to write about retellings and prequels, which can be found in many books when looking closer. Because of this, today’s blog entry will focus on the world of retellings and prequels of fairytales and famous stories

As I’ve already talked about, Heartless by Marissa Meyer is a great example of a prequel to a book considered to be a classic. Here it is important to note that this genre of prequels I talk about targets prequels written by people who were not the original authors. Heartless introduces Lady Cathrine Pinkerton, a young girl in Wonderland who dreamed of opening a bakery with her best friend, the best bakery in all of Hearts. She was one of the most desired girls in Hearts and through her baking, she fastly won the heart of Heart’s unmarried king. At one of his outings Cath meets Jest, the court joker and is immediately intrigued and drawn to him, more so than to the king who intended to ask her to marry him. Many events unfold and tragedy strikes and the once so hopelessly romantic dreamer Cath was turned into what Carroll introduced as the cruel and cold Queen of Hearts. It is a heart-wrenching fast-paced read that greatly impacted me and it took me a week to get over the ending of the book. It is a bittersweet story to read as you know that things have to go wrong and that the ending has to be tragically sad since we all know the character of the Queen, yet, I kept on hoping for a different ending, one filled with hope and happiness. This kind of story, a prequel with many what-ifs, offers a new kind of depth to the original story, an extension of characters and story worlds.

Next to prequels, retellings are also rather popular at the moment. Only last month I discovered a series of books labelled as remixes of classic novels. Here, I would like to introduce Gabe Cole Novoa’s Most Ardently: A Pride & Prejudice Remix. It is part of a series where several authors from marginalised backgrounds rewrite classics altering it to oppose the primarily white and male canon by introducing modern themes. Such themes would have been scandalising in the times of the original publication. In Most Ardently Novoa introduces Oliver Bennett, a trans boy, who wishes for a life filled with freedom, a life where he can be who he wants to be and not be forced to wear dresses and be called Elizabeth. 

Other books from this series are:

  • Into the Bright Open: A Secret Garden Remix by Cherie Dimaline
  • Teach the Torches to Burn: A Romeo and Juliet Remix by Caleb Roehrig
  • My Dear Henry: A Jekyll and Hyde Remix by Kalynn Bayron
  • Self-Made Boys: A Great Gatsby Remix by Anna-Maria McLemore
  • What Souls Are Made Of: A Wuthering Heights Remix by Tasha Suri

Retellings and Prequels can also be useful in the classroom as students can be creative and write their own stories. Here, tasks could be to rewrite a love story into a horror story or generally change the genre while writing. Another interesting writing task could surround classics. Students often struggle with the texts because of their language, so why not change it up a bit? They can rewrite parts of classics into modern-day English to make them easier to understand and also include contemporary themes to make them more relatable from today’s perspective. Lastly, they could focus on specific characters and write down their own prequels, who they think the characters used to be, and what kind of story they lived through before the actual story began.

What is your take on prequels and retellings? If you have ever read one did you like it? What prequels and retellings do you know? Have you ever written your own prequel to a book you like?

Lisa A.

“Music is the literature of the heart, it commences where speech ends.”– Alphonse de Lamartine

I am a fairly musical person, growing up singing in several choirs, playing the violin and the viola and listening to music on repeat. Back then, literature was not really on my list of favourites. However, looking back now, I realise that I lived in a world full of music connected to literature. Whenever I played the viola or sang a new song I looked at the story the piece wanted to tell, at what message it wanted to convey and what emotions were needed to do so. I now see that I was close-reading those pieces of music to emerge into its world, something I now do while reading books. The connection between literature and music can be found in many different forms, and today I would like to introduce some of them.

Music for literature

Music has become an influential tool for literature, especially with the popularity of social media communities such as BookTok and Bookstagram. Both apps allow users to share their reading experiences, their theories, fanart or other thoughts about books. But one trend that showed an immense increase over the last couple of years is the use and association with music which can be seen on TikTok. The app’s main purpose is to create short edits accompanied by music snippets, which can be quotes, whole paragraphs from books, specific fanart or more. Using special sounds to underline this content can quickly lead to song associations. BookTok spreads trends in this manner and eventually some sounds are bound to certain topics as it is the first thing users associate with it. This can be seen in BookTok hits such as the ACOTAR and Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J Maas and Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. The provided links are exemplary TikToks that will give you a broad idea of this phenomenon. The songs used are Bow by Reyn Hartley for A Court of Mist and Fury, Luminary by Joel Sunny for the ACOTAR series, Gesaffelstein by Aleph for Fourth Wing and a viral TikTok sound called “Just a girl harmonising with her ceiling fan” (The videos do contain spoilers!)

Music in literature

The second form I chose to look at is music in literature, as I’ve read several books naming real songs or even just using music as a major theme. In this category songs can simply be mentioned in books or the literary world can include whole lists of songs. This makes it easy to look up songs used and listen to them while or before reading without having to interrupt the reading flow by having to guess the song’s melody or rhythm. Another rather popular use of music in literature is as a main plot. Here books about musical storylines are rather popular. Many young adult novels and romances revolve around the main character’s musical development or fulfilling their dreams of becoming musicians or the main love interest is heavily involved in the musical world.

Recommendations from my personal experience are: 

  • Songs About A Girl by Chris Russel
  • The Music Shop by Rachel Joyce
  • Whatever Happens (Julie and the Phantoms) by Candace Buford

Literature in music

Have you ever listened to a song and noticed that it was telling a story through the lyrics? Music does not equal noise music or melodies with nice texts but sometimes a single song can feel like reading a whole book. This is done through world and story-building in the form of music, just like authors do for their novels or poems. An interesting example where such storytelling can be seen is Taylor Swift. Generally, the American singer writes about her personal life and feelings which is reflected in the way the songs write emotional stories. Every song tells a story on its own, drawing the listener in, and inviting them to experience the story through her eyes. Here, her song The Great War from her 2022 album Midnights can be seen as a great example, also in connection to Rebecca Ross’ Divine Rivals. In the song, Swift tells the story of an internal conflict, a relationship at stake where the lovers have to fight “the great war” for their eventual happy ending. Through her lyrics, she paints a picture of a whole story. Similar to this is the storyline of Divine Rivals where the protagonists are actually present in a war where they have to overcome obstacles and protect their love. On TikTok, the song and the novel are brought up together quite often as their storylines show similarities. This highlights how closely related literature and music can be. While still seeing a song as music, its lyrics can express the same sentiments and the same depth a written page of a novel could. 

Some song recommendations I circle back to when I want to see this phenomenon are:

  • Can’t Catch Me Now by Olivia Rodrigo
  • The Prophecy by Taylor Swift
  • The Manuscript by Taylor Swift
  • Don’t Call Me by Maryjo
  • The View Between Villages by Noah Kahan
  • Coraline by Måneskin

Literature for music

This form might not be as well spread as the previous three but it is still an important phenomenon I would like to address. When creating a list of things I wanted to talk about I remembered a YouTube channel I watched when I was about 15 years old and discovered Nightcore songs. It belongs to Beth Crowley, an American singer and songwriter who used to upload songs inspired by books she read. Just like fanfiction or TikTok, it was a form of fan participation where she wrote music about the book, inspired by it, or from certain characters’ perspectives to show deeper emotions from the literary pages that might not have come across as well without music. One of her most popular songs was “Warrior”, released in 2013, which is based on Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments Series.

Furthermore, she covers many popular books and series such as To All the Boys I Loved Before (Classic, 2019), ACOTAR (Please Take Me, 2018), Shatter Me (I Scare Myself, 2018) or The Midnight Guardian (The Dark, 2016). Hearing those songs after reading the books is a unique experience as I always catch myself picturing scenes with this music playing in the background or recognising specific references that might not be as obvious to others. Unfortunately, this is a rather niche form of genre so Crowley’s songs cannot be considered to be mainstream. However, Warrior, with the help of the books and her fans has become a kind of unofficial anthem for Cassandra Clare’s book series. I would not say it is music to add to your daily playlists but it is worth looking at her channel and giving songs about books one has read a try.

What are your experiences with music and literature? Do you have any songs you listen to because you feel like they tell a story?

Lisa A.

There is no friend as loyal as a book”- Ernest Hemingway

Today, on April 23, we celebrate what is known as World Book Day, one of many national and international literature days to appreciate and advertise books and reading. It is a page-turner kind of day, greatly celebrated in the United Kingdom, which is also where I had my first encounter with this rather special day in 2021. I cannot remember ever hearing about something similar throughout my childhood and school years so it was an interesting event to witness. But why did they choose April 23rd as a set date for World Book Day? The most important factor here is that this date has great significance in the literary field as it is the death day of many famous and influential writers such as William Shakespeare or Inca Garcilaso de la Vega

Fun Fact: Today is not only World Book Day but back in 1995, UNESCO officially attributed the 23rd of April as World Book and Copyright Day.

Back in 2021, I was working with children in the UK through which I had the opportunity to see and participate in many activities for this day. Generally, many activities and events are organised, either on a larger scale by the towns or in smaller settings such as schools. Here, people of all age groups can participate in events such as book donations, readings, and internal school events. 

How can you participate?

  • Donate books you no longer need yourself. This allows people to get books they might not be able to afford under normal circumstances.
  • Reading Challenges
  • Costumes
    • Dress as your favourite book character- either for an event or just for a private picture opportunity. Pinterest offers many great ideas if you do not know where to start.
  • Book Swap: exchange your favourite books
  • Reading Rocket Competition in schools
    • For every read page, the teacher gets to fill in the rocket and after a set time range, the kids will get a prize if they can fill up the whole thing.
  • Book Charades
  • Personalised Book Recommendations
    • If a book reminds you of someone or you think they would like it, recommend it with a little list of convincing reasons why it made you think of them. 
  • Unconventional Reading Places
    • This is an activity I already participated in and I noticed that many children like this kind of task. Here, you should brainstorm the most unconventional reading places you could find to take a picture in. You must think about whether you’d actually be able to read more than a sentence in this spot. This offers the children a challenge- Prove that you can read in your spot. My proteges back then chose the craziest spots but when we talked about the possibility of them actually going there and reading they started to think differently. Eventually, we ended up reading in the chicken coop, in our rat enclosure, having our own little reading with them and in the backyard hanging from our roll-over bars. Having found these spots, the girls were motivated to get some reading done in their spaces.

As the unconventional reading paces have shown, the purpose of World Book Day is to approach literature interactively so children, but also adults, get involved and do not solely feel like they have the task to read- it aims to make reading fun, something to look forward to. 

Here, in honour of the so-called “Leselust” Oliver Jeffers’ The Incredible Book Eating Boy would be of great recommendation channelling this exact feeling of developing a passion for literature. Henry enjoys books rather much but not in our conventional way of reading them but he prefers eating them, gulping down every book he can get his hands on to become the smartest boy ever. 

In honour of World Book Day, a list of some of my favourite books (Children’s to Young Adult):

  • The Scourge of the Dinner Ladies by David Tinkler
  • Mr Men and Little Miss Series by Adam and Roger Hargreaves
  • Rainbow Magic by Daisy Meadow
  • Alice Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol
  • Famous Five by Enid Blyton
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
  • Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
  • The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
  • Powerless by Lauren Roberts
  • One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus
  • Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
  • Wilder Girls by Rory Power
  • Caraval and Once Upon A Broken Heart by Stephanie Garner
  • Defy the Night by Brigid Kemmerer

Did you know that today is World Book Day? Will you participate in any way? What activity would you choose?

Happy World Book Day, let’s bookmark this moment as a chapter to remember!

Lisa A.

When we are collecting books, we are collecting happiness”-Vincent Starrett

A few years ago, a friend told me that if a person owns 1000 or more books, they can consider it a library. Obviously, my new goal was to reach this number and have my own little library at home. Buying books is definitely a separate hobby from reading books and I soon noticed that I was a bit obsessed with both- my friends call me a bookworm but at heart, I am more of a book dragon, someone who hoards books. For me, Starrett’s quote hits deep because my collection does bring me happiness, both while reading and just by looking at my shelves. But I realised rather quickly that it was not just about buying new books but also about connecting with the books I had already read. This meant that if I truly love a book I desperately need several copies. This was when I discovered special and collector’s editions– books with sprayed edges, maps, hardcovers, paperbacks with different covers, character art on the pages, etc. Many books have not only one version depending on the publisher’s decision, book subscription boxes or because different countries decide to release different versions. Personally, I own about 7 different copies of Pride and Prejudice and aim to collect every version of the Letters of Enchantment Duology. It is definitely a commitment but since the books had such a great impact on me I feel like each version carries a different piece of myself. 

Many small businesses have started to paint the edges of books themselves. This offers a truly unique copy of the book. This could be something fun to do in the classroom as well- students come up with ideas and design their own special editions or sprayed edges based on their reading experience (on paper rather than actual copies). Here, it would be interesting to discover different interpretations or impressions the book left and it could then be used as a great starting point for discussions.

Here are some of my favourite special editions:

There are bits and pieces of yourself scattered in every book you read“- Unknown

Special Editions are not the only way to create unique books or extend the fictional work. Harry Potter, Star Trek and Star Wars, Wednesday, Emma, Maneskin and Song Mingi. But what connection do books, tv shows, movies, bands and Korean Idols have? All these different media carry a great fanbase, communities that try to creatively and actively participate in their fandom’s world. The first time this phenomenon gained a lot of attention was with the Star Trek Franchise, fans from everywhere started writing fanfiction, and creating fan art or merch and through this, they kept the fandom alive even when the official story was already over. This participatory culture found its origins in the development of the technological and online sphere. Today participating in a certain fandom is rather easy due to the countless social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok or even ArchiveOfOurOwn. But how exactly do fans contribute to their fandoms and what impact does it have? As already mentioned people can create their own fanart by drawing or painting the characters or specific scenes. Here, it is interesting to see the different perceptions of the characters as everyone has a unique reading experience so the given attributes for each character can be perceived completely differently every time. This does not mean that some people did not read carefully enough or are wrong but just that they imagined the character this way. Sometimes artists even purposefully change a character’s features to either look like other characters living this specific scene or to project themselves into it.  This makes the characters appear in real life and not only on a book’s page, they do truly become alive. Another way to expand the duration or length of a story is by writing or reading fanfiction. Here, writers can rewrite scenes or create new ones modelled after canon facts or the big what-ifs. The newly created narratives are not entirely connected to the original work but fans take inspiration from them to write something new. Fanfiction can be seen as interesting and refreshing as it highlights the story world and its characters and gives them a certain kind of movement instead of remaining static texts- it offers new dimensions. Here, people can interact with the original texts which makes the whole ordeal appear more vivid and real. 

Participatory or fan culture can also be an interesting topic for classroom discussions. It has become such a vital part of digital life that everyone has come across it in some way. Here students can brainstorm and collect forms of fanart they have encountered before. It is surprising to see how much it is present in our daily lives. Other fun and interactive exercises would be acting out scenes or writing tasks. In year 6 we read Wilhelm Tell and our class did not understand the story so no one participated in class. To change this our teacher sorted us into groups and assigned one scene for each group to prepare. Because we only had to focus on one scene we had more time to actually understand what was written in it and by learning the text by heart, acting it out and even preparing props we started to think about it on a deeper level. Everyone uniquely prepared their scene, some groups just acted out the text, and others rewrote it so it would be easier to understand. In the end, everyone saw a visualised version of the complete book and class discussions became easy as we were part of the preparation process and had the ambition to learn and understand the German classic.  Another task my English teacher in Years 11 and 12 continuously gave us was writing about the books and texts we had to read. The Importance of Being Earnest? “Please choose one of the following characters and write a letter from their perspective. What would they write about? Who would they address the letter to? What emotions would they show and what tone do you have to use?” Walkabout? “Imagine being one of the siblings and writing about your thoughts and emotions” Ready Player One? “Rewrite the ending. What would you like to add to it or cut out?” Shakespeare’s Sonnets? “Rewrite your chosen poem using a language register you would use among your peers.”

And there are many more opportunities to create an interactive learning environment when talking about fan and participatory culture which might help motivate students.

Are you a bookworm or a book dragon? Maybe both? Do you collect several editions of a book? What is your favourite special edition? Have you ever created fanart? What do you think about participatory culture?

Lisa A.

Marie Helene “Marlen” Haushofer wurde 11. April im Jahre 1920 in Frauenstein geboren. Die Schriftstellerin aus Österreich publizierte nach dem Krieg zunächst kleinere Erzählungen in österreichischen Zeitschriften und Zeitungen. Schließlich veröffentlichte sie auch Romane und Novellen, unter anderem Die WandDas fünfte Jahr und Himmel, der nirgendwo endet. In vielen ihrer Erzählungen geht es um die Gedanken und Gefühle von starken Frauen, die ihren Weg in einer männerdominierten Welt suchen. Insbesondere wird thematisiert, wie der Alltag von Frauen in einer patriarchal geprägten Gesellschaft häufig verhindert, dass diese Frauen sich selbst verwirklichen können. 

So wurden Haushofers Werke bald bedeutend für die Frauenrechtsbewegung und Frauenliteraturforschung. Anfangs abfällig als “Frauenliteratur” abgetan, zählt Haushofer heute zu den wichtigsten deutschsprachigen Autorinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ihre Geschichten wurden vielfach für Film, Hörspiel und Theater adaptiert und mit zahlreichen Literaturpreisen ausgezeichnet.

Marlen Haushofer starb am 21. März 1970. Heute bieten ihre Werke sich an, um in die Perspektive von Frauen in der Literatur abzutauchen und Mädchen und Frauen Mut zu machen, ihr Leben selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.

Libraries were full of ideas—perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.”- Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass

In the summer of 2021, I stumbled across my first TikTok from BookTok showing all of the creator’s 5-star ratings of the year. Among them were A Court of Thorns and Roses, A Court of Mist and Fury, Throne of Glass and Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood. Half of the video talked about books by Sarah J Maas which intrigued me. While looking at several videos of what her fans call the Maasverse, a video with book quotes finally convinced me to read her Romantasy series ACOTAR, thinking it would be my only project. Back then, I did not know that it would become my favourite book series and that I’d take on a 16+ book commitment. One video introduced a simple name that would change my reading attitude. 

Today, in honour of the 38th birthday of the American writer Sarah Janet Maas, I would like to introduce her most famous book series.

A Court of Thorns and Roses

ACOTAR is an ongoing book series with 4 novels and one novella. The story follows the 19-year-old Feyre Archeron, a huntress and the only provider of her father and two older sisters Nesta and Elain, who live in poverty in the woods close to the magic wall separating the human from the fae world. In her desperation to find food, Feyre goes out to the woods to hunt a deer when she comes across a wolf which she suspects to be a faerie, a species she as well as her family and the other people of the village, hate. When the creature attacks the deer she is about to shoot, Feyre decides to use her ash arrow on the big wolf. A day later, her suspicions about the wolf being a faerie come true when a golden beast tears down her family’s door demanding his payment for the faerie’s death. Feyre is given a choice: die now or come to Prythian, the fae land, and live there with him, her family being spared from further punishments. With this, the youngest Archeron daughter’s adventure through the courts of Prythian and her eventual love story begins. 

Throne of Glass

Throne of Glass is an 8-book finished series following Celaena Sardothien, a professional assassin who got arrested and put into a slave camp for murder after a failed task. After an early release from the prison, she finds herself summoned to the king’s castle to compete for her freedom. If she bests 23 other assassins she wins her freedom back and becomes the king’s personal assassin, if she fails she will be sent back to the camp and be imprisoned for the rest of her life.

If you decide to read Throne of Glass, I recommend looking up the different orders to read in. Another important note, one that makes the series rather special is the possibility of a tandem read of Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn. It is an optional way to read both books but I thought it to be a great reading experience.

Crescent City

Bryce Quinlan, a young half-fae half-human woman from Crescent City is what people describe to be the typical party girl, going out, drinking and taking magical drugs while also maintaining her job. Her life takes a drastic turn when one night she returns to her apartment to find her best friend and her pack of wolves dead, killed by a dangerous demon. Two years later Bryce is appointed to help Hunt Athalar, an enslaved fallen angel, to investigate her friend’s murder as a series of similar killings have occurred throughout the city. Quinlan uses this chance to avenge her friends and together with Hunt save the city. 

For many people on BookTok starting one of Maas’ book series is a commitment to the whole Maasverse. Her precise world-building led to many fan theories of connected universes. Her most recent book Crescent City: House of Flame and Shadow confirmed those theories by offering a crossover with characters from later ACOTAR novels. So only reading one series, Crescent City, for example, might not be enough to understand the story’s complexity. With this, it becomes a commitment. 

Today, reading Sarah J. Maas has become a bit easier as her publishing dates have decreased with her building a family life, however, until 2018 she published one to two books every year, so keeping up was not an uneasy task.

(Note the age rating for each novel- young adult to adult Romantasy!)

My Favourite Quotes:

  • “Don’t feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you joy” (ACOTAR, p.172)
  • “To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered” (ACOMAF, p. 249)
  • “Only you decide what breaks you” (ACOMAF, p.)
  • “Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don’t feel anything at all” (ACOTAR, p. 414)
  • “Don’t let the hard days win” (ACOMAF, p.178)
  • “You could rattle the stars. You could do anything if only you dared. And deep down, you know it too. That’s what scares you most” (ToG, p. 399)
  • “We all bear scars,… Mine just happen to be more visible than most” (ToG, p. 305)
  • “Names are not important. It’s what lies inside of you that matters” (ToG, p. 277)
  • “The world [..] will be saved and remade by dreamers” (EoS, p. 248)
  • “Through love, all is possible” (CC1)
  • “Then let the world know that my first act of freedom was to help my friends” (CC1, p. 701)
  • “My friends are with me and I am not afraid” (CC1, p. 703)
  • “Light it up” (CC1, p. 765)
  • “This world could be so much more. This world could be free. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want that” (CC2, p. 193)
  • “A world where people loved and valued books and learning so much that they were willing to die for them. Can you imagine what such a civilisation was like?” (CC3, p. 564)

ACOTAR- A Court of Thorns and Roses

ACOMAF- A Court of Mist and Fury

ToG- Throne of Glass

EoS- Empire of Storms

CC1- Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood

CC2- Crescent City: House of Sky and Breath

CC3- Crescent City: House of Flame and Shadow

Lisa A.

“If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more”– Jane Austen, Emma

Valentine’s Day, a day filled with love, appreciation and the celebration of romance. Typically it is associated with gifts of red roses, chocolates and hearts in all colours and shapes. While these traditions are fun and romantic, I love to cycle back to literature on this special day. 

Growing up I was never really fond of having any trace of romance in my books and I would immediately put them down if they did. This only changed when I discovered the works of Jane Austen which would deeply influence my future perception of literature. If I remember correctly I was just interested in reading again when entering year 10 because of my English teacher who helped me improve my English skills at the time and she recommended Pride and Prejudice. At the time it was an extremely scary project to pick up a Jane Austen Classic and understand anything but I am glad that I fought and pushed myself through it and incredibly grateful to my teacher for believing in me. Finishing the novel changed the way I approached literature altogether, it was no longer a task that had to be done but I started to read because I wanted to, because I wanted to dive into those fictional worlds, simply because the love Jane Austen described in that one book deeply enchanted me. 

Pride and Prejudice

The story revolves around the Bennet family consisting of Mr and Mrs Bennet and their daughters Jane and Elizabeth, our protagonist who is also called Lizzie, Mary, Lidia and their youngest Kitty. With the arrival of a new neighbour, the rich young gentleman Mr Bingley, a party is thrown in his honour where the reader first meets him and his best friend Mr Darcy. Darcy’s pride is noticeable from the very first moment which unfortunately causes him to insult Lizzie and strangle their relationship as it and several other events only fuel her prejudice and hate. After a rejected declaration of love from Mr Darcy he writes Lizzie a letter explaining himself which changes her view completely and she eventually accepts his proposal after his second confession. 

Lizzie Bennet is the second oldest of five daughters and her father’s favourite child. She portrays a typical Austen female lead, a witty and smart young woman who is independent and not afraid to speak her mind, who desires to marry for love rather than social status and convenience, which was not the standard of the time. Throughout the whole book, it becomes clear that she portrays the “prejudice” part of the title as she judges people from the beginning based on her perspective, whereas Fitzwilliam Darcy on the other hand portrays pride, which he calls his greatest weakness. This pide changes the way he is perceived throughout the whole novel, not only by the characters, especially Lizzie, but also by the readers.  

The novel’s themes make its love story rather bewitching¹ by showing that marrying for love is possible even in a time where marriage was all about social status, it showed that love could defy everything and that if people were meant to be, they would find their way to each other. 

Talking about the great love story of Pride and Prejudice…

Having difficulties reading Jane Austen’s works, or other works from authors of the time, seems to be what TikTok would call a canon event. However, to still bring it closer to younger generations who might be intimidated or overwhelmed by the book’s length or language, especially as an L2 learner, YouTube offers the perfect solution. In 2012 the first episode of “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries”, a web series in the form of vlogs, aired. The series shows a modern, digital take on the classic from 1813, translating it into modern language and also modern problems. It is an easy way to understand the storyline and the characters before or after reading the novel itself. I watched it during the lockdown in 2020, purely for amusement but I soon realised that even though I had read Pride and Prejudice several times at that point, the YouTube format always opened up new perspectives and discussions about the literary work. 


But do the romance books of our time have the same effect Austen’s work had? This is a question that everyone has to answer for themselves. Personally, I prefer reading her love stories over popular romance books from our time. Many books are rather similar in their plot and love story, whereas Austen created something revolutionary at the time, something new defying the social norm. In my eyes, Romantasy novels come closer to such classics than romance novels because of the complexity that accompanies them. But this is just my take as I read more fantasy novels than romance. 

What do you prefer- Austen’s Classics or contemporary Romance Novels?

What is your favourite love story? What book do you think about or would you recommend when asked for love stories for Valentine’s Day?

Further Recommendations for the romantic feeling:

  • Emma (1815)
  • Emma (dir. Autumn de Wilde, 2020)
  • Persuasion (1817)
  • Persuasion (dir. Cracknell, 2022)
  • Pride and Prejudice (dir. Wright, 2005)
  • Sense and Sensibility  (1811)
  • Sense and Sensibility (dir. Lee, 1996)
  • Mansfield Park (dir. Rozema, 2000)
  • Becoming Jane (dir. Jarrold, 2007)
  • Divine Rivals (2023)
  • Red, White & Royal Blue (2019)
  • A Court of Thorns and Roses (2015)
  • Fake Dates and Mooncakes (2023)

¹ “You have bewitched me body and soul. And I love… I love… I love you.”

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Lisa A.

On January 3, 1892, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Growing up in poverty and already having to grieve his parents at the young age of 12, his childhood did not seem to be an easy one. Regardless of this series of unfortunate events Tolkien successfully graduated from Oxford University and secured his employment as a Second Lieutenant in the British Army. 

However, it is not just his biography that makes his persona so important but his literary works that are still immensely popular today. 

The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings

  • Lord of the Rings is a book series most people have probably heard about, if not even read it themselves, or watched the movies. Its trailblazer The Hobbit was originally a children’s book published in 1937, however, the story world grew enormously and a high fantasy world emerged. 

Leaf by Niggle

  • This is one of Tolkien’s short stories that is not as well known as the Lord of the Rings franchise. The character Niggle is an artist, however, the part of society he resides in does not appreciate art in any way. Because of this, he only paints for his own pleasure, and he took on the big project of painting a great tree. The work starts with a single leaf and grows around it. Because of his good character, he takes time off his work to help his neighbour, unfortunately, while doing so, he falls ill. Due to this, he is sent on a journey as a gardener to a forest. He discovers that this forest is the one he had painted all along and the tree he sees in real life is the perfected version of his flawed painting. 

Further Recommendations

  • The Silmarillion (1977)
  • Unfinished Tales (1980)
  • Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics (1936)
  • The Rings of Power (dir. J.A. Bayona, 2022)

Lisa A.