
Cover of this title
Library Lion
Kevin Hawkes and Michelle Knudsen

This heart-warming, illustrated story follows a lion who visits a library for the first time. Indeed, “there are rules about shouting. And rules about running. But there aren’t any rules about lions!” After struggling with proper behaviour in the library, the lion soon makes friends and perfectly adapts to the new surroundings – he even uses his tail to dust the old encyclopedias. One day when the librarian, Miss Merriweather, falls off a stool, the lion hesitates to call for help, as his loud roaring would make him break the rules… Will he break them to rescue her?

The story is suitable for a cross-curricular project on literature and reading in cooperation with your local library or book store.

/ · · 2006

Critical edition

Knudsen, Michelle and Kevin Hawkes. Library Lion. Walker, 2008. 48 pp., ISBN 9781406305678

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  • Award-winning
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Students can identify with the text
  • User suggestion