We offer B.Sc. and M.Sc. projects in (but not limited to) the areas of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and General Relativity. In case of interest, please contact one of the potential supervisors, Prof. Stefan Hollands, Dr. Daniela Cadamuro, Dr. Marc Casals or Dr. Jochen Zahn. Below, you find a few examples of successful projects.
B.Sc. theses
- Jonathan Wernersson: Vacuum polarization of the charged Klein-Gordon field
M.Sc. theses
- Sebastian Drawert: Gravitativer Memory-Effekt drehimpulsbehafteter Quellen
- Ludwig Hoffmann: Positivity of Bondi mass in odd dimensions
Ph.D. projects in our group can be funded through the International Max Planck Research School Mathematics in the Sciences (IMPRS MiS) or the Jena-Leipzig Research Training group Strong Dynamics and Criticality in Quantum and Gravitational Systems. For the former, applications are possible twice a year, with deadlines May 1 and December 1, via IMPRS.