Mini CV of Daniela Cadamuro

• 2018-present , Group Leader (Emmy Noether Program), University of Leipzig.
• 2017-2018, post-doc, Technische Universität München.
• 2015-2016, post-doc, University of Göttingen.
• 2013-2015, lecturer in Applied Mathematics, University of Bristol.

• 2012, Dr. rer. nat. in theoretical physics, University of Göttingen (supervisor: K.-H. Rehren).
• 2007, M.Sc. in theoretical physics, University of Turin.

Grants and Achievements:
• PI in the DFG Research Training Group 2522 (2019)
• Emmy Noether grant of the DFG (2018) CA 1850/1-1 (5 year fellowship, including 2 postdoc and 2 PhD positions)

Impact of the research (outside academia):
My results on the project “Quantum backflow and scattering” jointly with H. Bostelmann and G. Lechner have attracted the attention of the international media, being covered by online news outlets in the UK, Spain, Germany, the US, and China, including the Daily Mail (with a press article entitled “Scientists discover all quantum particles can travel BACKWARD in breakthrough that could pave the way for ultra-secure encryption”), Gizmodo (“Pushing Particles Forwards Might Make Them Go Backwards Because Quantum Physics Is Bonkers”), and Spektrum der Wissenschaft (the German sister publication of Scientific American, “Reisen Quanten manchmal rückwärts?”).