
The JMCoE combines expertise in research and teaching and explicitly seeks an open dialogue with the public. As a think tank, the JMCoE thus contributes to solving specific problems with regard to the EU and rural areas in East Central Europe.

How to Engage Young People for EU Politics?

Many people in rural regions have the feeling that Europe is far away and has nothing to do with their lives. This also applies to young people. So how can they be motivated to actively use the information and participation rights and thus become more involved as citizens of the EU? Based on our JMCoE research, we elaborated suggestions how the European Commission and the European Parliament can improve their youth policy for remote regions (areas far away from cities).

Read more in this handout:

Recommendations for EU Youth Work

How to communicate the European Union in Rural Areas? Based on findings of the JMCoE work, we make suggestions for the development of innovative formats and methods of European work on the ground. In our understanding, active European citizenship depends on at least 3 conditions: (1) People must know their rights. (2) They must know how to use them. (3) They must be convinced that they can make a difference.

Read more:

arte Talk, among others with Prof. Dr. Astrid Lorenz (JMCoE) – in German

European education and information on the EU

Basic information on the European Union

Are you interested in the EU, its institutions and how it works? We have compiled a quick overview of relevant information sources on the web. These are mainly sources and databases of the EU itself.

Information on EU-related occupational fields

Today, knowledge of the European Union and its functioning is useful or necessary in countless occupational fields and also beyond Brussels. We have compiled a selection of organisations and organisational units that deal particularly intensively with EU issues or are relevant in the context of politics in Europe.

The EU in research and teaching

More specific external analyses are listed in another directory, in which we have compiled studies and databases on EU integration, EU norm transfer and norm competition with national law, as well as the influence of the current EU crises in the East-Central European states. Of course, this does not imply that there are no crises (impacts) elsewhere, but only takes a special look at this region. Many of these sources are academic and independent of the EU.

The EU at School – An Introduction

How can pupils be provided with interesting knowledge about the EU, how can they be encouraged to form informed, critical and differentiated judgements, and how can they be supported in effectively communicating and asserting their own interests? What offers and teaching materials are there? We have compiled a collection of links and publications for you to provide an initial overview. Some are provided and supported by the EU itself, others deal with the topic from outside.

Europe and the European Union at school – specific teaching aids

Do you teach at a Saxon school and are looking for suggestions for teaching European contexts in the classroom? In our compilation you will find numerous links to core contents of European education according to the Saxon curriculum for social studies at remedial and secondary schools and grammar schools. A synopsis of the curriculum is also linked, which shows that Europe and the European Union are addressed in other subjects, such as geography, history, English, French and music.

The relationship between EU law and German law as a subject to be taught at Saxon grammar schools

As an aid to lesson planning, this handout offers a factual analysis and then shows which starting points for dealing with the subject in lessons are provided by the Saxon grammar school curriculum for the subject of social studies/legal education/economics (GRW) and how it should be taught.