Hauptseminar: Holographic methods in condensed matter theory (12-PHY-MWPHS6 HS)

Instructors: Prof. Dr. S. Hollands/Prof. Dr. B. Rosenow (Winter Semester 2014)

Guest speaker: Juniorprof. Dr. M. Ammon (FSU Jena)


Time/Location: Thursdays, 17:00, Room ITP 211

Preliminary list of talks/topics:

1) “AdS-Basics,” speaker: Hollands, date: 23.10.

2) “Einstein-Hilbert action, counterterms in AdS”,   speaker: Jan Holland, date: 6.11.,advisor: Hollands

3) “Field theories at finite temperature,” speaker: Jerabek, date: 13.11.advisor: Scherer, literature: Altland & Simons textbook

4) “Laws of black hole mechanics, Hawking radiation,” speaker: Ko Sanders, date: 13.11.

5) “Introduction to AdS CFT I-II”, speaker: Prof. M. Ammon (Jena), dates: 20.11., 4.12.

6) “Phase transitions in holographic superconductors I”, speaker: Prof. M. Ammon (Jena), date: 11.12., literature: Secs. 4.2,4.3 of Hartnoll arXiv 0903.3246, Sec. 14.3 of Natsuume arXiv 1409.3575

7) “Phase transitions in holographic superconductors II,” speaker: Zirnstein, date: 8.1., advisor: Ammon, literature: Maeda et al. arXiv 0910.4475

8) “Linear response theory for thermal and charge transport”, speaker: Kazmin, date: 8.1. advisor: Scherer, literature: Altland & Simons textbook,  J. Moreno and P. Coleman, arXiv:cond-mat/9603079

9) “Conductivity of graphene in the hydrodynamic regime,” speaker: Knoop, date: 22.1., advisor: Scherer, literature: Fritz et al., Phys. Rev. B 78, 085416 (2008)

10) “Electrical and thermal conductivities and applications”, speaker: Zirnstein, date: 22.1.advisor: Ammon, literature: Sec. 6 of Natsuume arXiv 1409.3575

11) “Electrical and thermal conductivities and applications”, speaker: Bhat, date: 5.2.advisor: Ammon, literature: Sec. 6 of Natsuume arXiv 1409.3575 Note: This talk starts early at 4pm, location: Library, ITP

12) “Entanglement entropy I (basic definitions, examples)”, speaker: Onirban Islam, date: 5.2.advisor: Zocher, literature:  Fradkin textbook, Nishioka et al., J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009)

13) “Entanglement entropy II (holographic approaches),” speaker: Schambach, date: 5.2., advisor: Zocher, literature: Nishioka et al., J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009)

List of selected presentations (password protected)



Prof. Dr. S. Hollands/Prof. Dr. B. Rosenow
ITP, Universitaet Leipzig
Bruederstr. 16
Tel. 0341-97-32422/

Page last updated: 20.11.2014

Partially supported by ERC starting grant QC&C 259562

Partially supported by ERC starting grant QC&C 259562