Electro- and Photoluminescence
Supervisor: Dr. Chriatian Chmelik
The study of luminescence on semiconductors offers an excellent possibility for getting information about the band structure, the doping, and excitons. The investigations are done on AIII-BV-semiconductors and there mixed systems. The spectra of luminescence diodes (emitting light in different spectral ranges) are measured as well as the photoluminescence of (Ga,Al)As- and CdS-samples at liquid nitrogen temperature. The optical excitation is done with an Argon-ion laser. The spectra have to be interpreted. One has to consider direct and indirect transitions, the different recombination mechanisms and also the properties of free and bound excitons. The technical parameters (wavelength accuracy, resolving power, sample temperature) have to be determined.
- Doped semiconductors, mixed crystals
- Band structure
- Electrical and optical excitation
- Recombination mechanisms
- Determination of the band transition energies and of the exciton binding energies
- Finding out the composition of mixed crystals
- Calibration of a grating monochromator
- Properties of laser
- Pressure and temperature measurements