Course Information

Exam: Wednesday 24.07.2024, 10:00-13:00,
R114, ITP, Brüderstraße 16
Class Times: Wednesday 15:15-16:45,
R114, ITP, Brüderstraße 16 (Lecture)
  Friday 11:00-12:30,
R114, ITP, Brüderstraße 16 (Lecture)
  Friday 13:30-15:00,
R210, ITP, Brüderstraße 16 (Tutorial)
Recommended Reading: A. Altland and B. Simons, "Condensed Matter Field Theory", Cambridge University Press, 2010;
  X.-G. Wen, "Quantum Field Theory of Many-Body Systems", Oxford University Press, 2007;
Contents of the lecture:
  • Formalism of second quantization
  • Feynman path integral
  • Coherent states - bosons
  • Fermionic coherent states
  • Field integral for the quantum partition function
  • Evaluation of Matsubara sums
  • Analytic structure of correlation functions
  • Theory of linear response
  • Fluctuation-dissipation theorem
  • Collective quantum fields
  • Calculation of density-density correlation functions
  • Superconductivity
  • Quantum Hall Effect
  • Dissipative quantum tunneling
  • Renormalization group - analysis of dissipative action
Workload: 10LP = 300 hours
For: B.Sc. IPSP, M.Sc. IPSP, M.Sc. Mathematical Physics, M.Sc. Physik
Course type: Compulsory elective (12-PHY-MWPSTP1)

Problem Sets and Lecture Notes

You can ask questions concerning the problem sets and tutorials to Matthias Thamm (, R. 315a). If you plan to visit the office please make an appointment in advance.