
1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in liquids
2. Optical Pumping
3. Doppler-free Rb saturation spectroscopy
4. Electro- and Photoluminescence

5. Rotation-Vibration Spectra of Molecules
6. Lattice Vibrations and Effects of Free Charge Carriers in Solids
7. Raman-Spectroscopy on Solids

8. Zeeman Effect
9. High-Resolution Gamma-Spectroscopy with Ge-Semiconductor Detector
10. Alpha-Particle Spectroscopy with a Semiconductor Detector

11. X-Ray diffraction (XRD)
12. Mass Spectroscopy on Gases and simple Organic Molecules
13. Hall-Effect and Electrical Conductivity

14. Optical Spectroscopy at Colour Centers and Molecules
15. Franck-Hertz Experiment
16. Squid Experiment

17. Electron-Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
18. Study of Solid State Surfaces using a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope
19. Study of Solid State Surfaces using a Atomic Force Microscope

Optical spectroscopy at colour centres and molecules

Supervisor:  M. Sc. D. Reinhardt

The common physical property of colour centers and the iodine molecule (which will be investigated in this experiment) is the interaction between electronic transitions and vibrations of the atoms. Therefore the Franck-Condon principle holds for both. The position of the absorption maxima of the measured iodine vapour spectrum have to be determined, and from that the convergence energy, the dissociation energy, and the energy of the electronic transition are to be estimated. The colour centers are generated in NaCl-,KCl-, and KBr-crystals by UV- radiation or X-rays. The absorption spectra provide the concentration of the centers in dependence on time, the energy of the electronic transition and the line width. The results have to be compared to values calculated with a classical and a quantum mechanical model.

description of this experiment

Manua Lambda 365