Publications Marius Grundmann

Books and book chapters

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Hirsch index (based on Publons)
h=77 (10/2024, 864 publ., 28854 cit.)
Hirsch index (based on Google Scholar)
h=94 (10/2024, 47960 cit., last 5y: h=49, 5 most quoted: 4639, 1585, 1505, 1491, 1151)

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Physics and Fundamental Theory
Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 1, M. Grundmann (R. Fornari, Editor-in-Chief), eds. (Elsevier, 2024), ISBN 9780323960274
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M. Grundmann
Quantum devices of reduced dimensionality
Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics (2nd edition) 3, 529-533 (2024), T. Chakraborty, ed. (Elsevier, Oxford, 2024), ISBN 978-0-323-91408-6
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Marius Grundmann
The Physics of Semiconductors, An Introduction including Nanophysics and Applications, 4th edition
(Springer Nature, Cham, 2021), ISBN 978-3-030-51568-3
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Daniel Splith, Peter Schlupp, Holger von Wenckstern, Marius Grundmann
All-oxide pn-heterojunction diodes with β-Ga2O3
Gallium Oxide: Crystal Growth, Materials Properties, and Devices, p. 689-702 (2020), M. Higashiwaki, S. Fujita, eds. (Springer, Cham, 2020), ISBN 978-3-030-37152-4
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Holger von Wenckstern, Daniel Splith, Marius Grundmann
Pulsed Laser Deposition of Ga2O3 and Related Alloys
Gallium Oxide: Crystal Growth, Materials Properties, and Devices, p. 273-291 (2020), M. Higashiwaki, S. Fujita, eds. (Springer, Cham, 2020), ISBN 978-3-030-37152-4
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Marius Grundmann
The Physics of Semiconductors, An Introduction including Nanophysics and Applications, 3rd edition
(Springer, Heidelberg, 2016), ISBN 978-3-319-23879-1
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Special section on Transparent Conductive Oxides
Phys. Status Solidi A 212(7), 1407-1498 (2015), Marius Grundmann, Andreas Rahm, Holger von Wenckstern, eds.
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Special issue on semiconductor functional oxides
Semic. Sci. Technol. 30(2) (2015), S.F. Fischer, M. Grundmann, eds.
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Marius Grundmann
The Physics of Semiconductors, An Introduction including Nanophysics and Applications, 2nd edition, reprint
(Beijing World Publishing Corporation, Beijing, 2014), ISBN 978-7-5100-7781-4

C.P. Dietrich, M. Grundmann
Pulsed-laser deposition growth of ZnO NWs
Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Nanowires: Low-Dimensionality Effects and Growth, Vincent Consonni, Guy Feuillet eds., p. 303-323 (2014) (Wiley-ISTE, 2014), ISBN 978-1-84821-597-9
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Michael Lorenz, Martin Lange, Christian Kranert, Christof P. Dietrich, Marius Grundmann
Optical properties of and optical devices from ZnO-based nanostructures
Zinc Oxide Nanostructures: Advances and Applications, p. 43-99 (2014), M. Willander, ed. (Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore, 2014), ISBN 9789814411332
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Focus Issue on Oxide Semiconductors
J. Mat. Res. 27(17) (2012), Steve Durbin, Tim Veal, Marius Grundmann, Jamie Phillips, eds. (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, 2012)
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H. von Wenckstern, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Bundesmann, A. Müller, C.P. Dietrich, M. Stölzel, M. Lange, M. Grundmann
The (Mg,Zn)O Alloy
Handbook of Zinc Oxide and Related Materials, Vol. 1 Materials, p. 257-320 (2012), Z.C. Feng, ed. (Taylor and Francis/CRC Press, Florida, USA, 2012), ISBN 978-1439855706
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Heiko Frenzel, Michael Lorenz, Friedrich-L. Schein, Alexander Lajn, Fabian J. Klüpfel, Tobias Diez, Holger von Wenckstern, Marius Grundmann
Metal-semiconductor field-effect transistors and integrated circuits based on ZnO and related oxides
Handbook of Zinc Oxide and Related Materials, Vol. 2 Devices and Nano-Engineering, p. 369-434 (2012), Z.C. Feng, ed. (Taylor and Francis/CRC Press, Florida, USA, 2012), ISBN 978-1439855744
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Marius Grundmann
The Physics of Semiconductors, An Introduction including Nanophysics and Applications, 2nd edition
(Springer, Heidelberg, 2010), ISBN 978-3-642-13883-6
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Scientific report of the Forschergruppe 522
Phys. Status Solidi B 247(6), 1257-1392 (2010), M. Grundmann, ed.
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B.Q. Cao, M. Lorenz, G. Zimmermann, C. Czekalla, M. Brandt, H. von Wenckstern, M. Grundmann
p-type Phosphorus Doped ZnO Wires for Optoelectronic Applications
Nanowires, p. 117-132 (2010), P. Prete, ed., ISBN 978-953-7619-79-4
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Marius Grundmann, Andreas Rahm, Thomas Nobis, Michael Lorenz, Christian Czekalla, Evgeni M. Kaidashev, Jörg Lenzner, Nikos Boukos, Anastasios Travlos
Growth and characterization of ZnO nano- and microstuctures
Handbook of Self-Assembled Semiconductor Nanostructures for Novel Devices in Photonics and Electronics, p. 293-323 (2008), M. Henini, ed. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008), ISBN 978-0-08-046325-4
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Marius Grundmann
The Physics of Semiconductors, An Introduction including Devices and Nanophysics
(Springer, Heidelberg, 2006), ISBN 978-3-540-25370-9
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M. Grundmann
Quantenfäden, Quantenpunkte
Effekte der Physik und ihre Anwendungen (3. Auflage), p. 478-483 (2005), M. von Ardenne, G. Musiol, S. Reball, eds. (Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt/M, 2005), ISBN 3-8171-1682-9
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M. Grundmann
Quantum devices of reduced dimensionality
Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics, p. 17-22 (2005), F. Bassani, J. Liedl, P. Wyder, eds. (Elsevier, Kidlington, 2005), ISBN 978-0-12-369401-0
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M. Grundmann
Theory of Quantum Dot Lasers
Nano-Optoelectronics, Concepts, Physics and Devices, p. 299-316 (2002), M. Grundmann, ed. (Springer, Berlin, 2002), ISBN 978-3-642-56149-8
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M. Grundmann, ed.
Nano-Optoelectronics, Concepts, Physics and Devices (Springer, Berlin, 2002), ISBN 978-3-642-56149-8
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D. Bimberg, M. Grundmann, N.N. Ledentsov
Quantum Dot Heterostructures
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 1998), ISBN 978-0-471-97388-1
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M. Grundmann
Heteroepitaxie von InP auf Si (001)
Dissertation (Technische Universität Berlin, 1991)
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