Advanced Physics Laboratory
The Advanced Laboratory is situated at:
Vor dem Hospitaltore 1, 04103 Leipzig,
2nd floor, rooms 260 to 273
Introductory Meeting
The introduction with safety briefing is mandatory prior to the first experiment.
This website presents an overview of all available experiments of the Advanced Physics Laboratory . The Advanced Lab is the link between the Introductory Lab and the almost independent work during the preparation of the master thesis. Besides bringing up a scientific style of working the Advanced Lab shall link and widen the present knowledge. The experimental skills and the way of physical thinking shall be trained also.
The experiments are outlined in such a way that the students investigate fundamental physical phenomena with the appropriate method in order to determine some material parameters or physical constants. For that reason the experimental setups were fundamentally updated in the last years and descriptions of the experiments were made. These descriptions are mostly quite substantial since the necessary knowledge is sometimes not given in the lectures, up to this point of the studies. On the other hand it encourages the private study.
To book an experiment, please come at the specified times in the Advanced Lab.
Write your group number in the list which is always available there at the pinboard.
The descriptions of experiments are available for download. An intensive preparation is essential
for a successful experiment.
The experiment starts at 8.30 am and is carried out on 1 day in the lab.
The examination of the experiments have to be done during the regular operation of the advanced lab course.
1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in liquids |
2. Optical Pumping |
3. Doppler-free Rb saturation spectroscopy |
4. Electro- and Photoluminescence |
5. Rotation- |
6. Lattice Vibrations and Effects of Free Charge Carriers in Solids |
7. Raman-Spectroscopy on Solids |
8. Zeeman Effect |
9. High-Resolution Gamma-Spectroscopy with Ge-Semiconductor Detector |
10. Alpha-Particle Spectroscopy with a Semiconductor Detector |
11. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) |
12. Mass Spectroscopy on Gases and simple Organic Molecules |
13. Hall-Effect and Electrical Conductivity |
14. Optical Spectroscopy at Colour Centers and Molecules |
15. Franck-Hertz Experiment |
16. Squid Experiment |
17. Electron- |
18. Study of Solid State Surfaces using a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope |
19. Study of Solid State Surfaces using a Atomic Force Microscope |