Topic: Self-image and multiperspectivity
List of entries
A Shakespearean tragedy from Early Modernism / Renaissance about madness, revenge, political intrigues, love and loss. The king of Denmark is dead, and soon his widow Gertrud marries Claudius, the former king’s brother. Prince Hamlet is depressed because of his father’s death and angry at his mother for remarrying so quickly. One night his father’s […]
A humourous coming-of-age graphic novel about love, friendship, teenage troubles (alcohol, sexuality, violence…) and intercultural contact. Junior is a 14-year old Native-American teenager who grows up in the Spokane Indian Reservation in the State of Washington. Being bullied because of his special needs, he decides to visit an all-white public high school off the reservation, […]
A coming-of-age novel about patriarchy, racism, social injustices and rape. Esperanza is a teenage girl living with her family in Chicago. In short episodes she tells the reader about her life, growing up on Mango Street in a poor Mexican-American community. Esperanza grows up, makes friends, falls in love and endures sexual assault. Through all […]
This young adult novel set in a small town in Pennsylvania explores themes such as racism, loss, inequality and homelessness. Jeffrey Magee is a young, homeless drifter and ends up in Two Mills, a town that is strictly divided into a white and a black community. Jeffrey visits both communities, experiences racial tensions and tries […]
A family saga about migration, destiny, gender relations and intersexuality. Cal was born as Calliope, the daughter of a Greek-American family in Michigan. But during puberty, the girl develops more and more male features and Cal finds out that he is intersexual and feels more male than female. He retells the story of his family. […]
A historical novel about friendship, betrayal, discrimination, guilt and redemption. Amir lives in the USA and remembers his childhood in Kabul, entwined with Afghanistan’s troubled history. How the communists took over, the Soviets invaded, how he escaped and settled in the USA together with his father who struggled to adapt to the new environment. But […]
Set in Nigeria during the late 19th century, this tragic novel problematises the battle between tradition and change, the role of colonialism, religion and patriarchy. Okonkwo is a respected member of his community, the Igbo people. When white missionaries arrive, Okonkwo’s son, like many others, converts to Christianity. Tensions rise between the natives and the […]
This long poem about the devastating nature of war and the hope for peace is one of the most significant works of modernist literature. Influenced by the breakdown of European civilisation during World War I and the increasing alienation in Western societies, this poem expresses psychological fragmentation and a quest for meaning. The poem might […]
This illustrated short fiction about hope, love, feeling lost and life itself discovers the remarkable and most unusual friendship of a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse. Following the quartet on their journey, the reader explores with them the power of imagination, as well as universal questions and answers. The picture book is […]
In this dystopian series of five novels on racism, oppression and the abuse of power, a black majority (the Crosses) rules over a white minority (the Noughts) after African people colonized Europe. Set in Britain in an alternate reality, this paves the way for a love story a la Romeo and Juliet. The story invites […]
Combining humour, loss and grit, this teenage novel tells a travel adventure from the perspective of a strong and colourful female narrator. 10-year-old ‘Rat’ is a real character, tough, outgoing, soccer-loving and adventurous. When her father dies suddenly, she’s determined to go to New York with her brother ‘Bob’ in search of their long-lost uncle […]
This historical novel about racism, war, the abuse of power and the holocaust, is the kick-off to a series of five: Felix is a 9-year-old Jewish boy hiding in Nazi-occupied Poland 1942. Separated from his parents, he is waiting in an orphanage, under the impression that his parents are just trying to save their book […]
This verse novel explores the author’s childhood in South Carolina and New York in the 1960s and 1970s: Growing up as an African American woman both with the aftermath of Jim Crow laws and the beginning Civil Rights movement. Her poems feature topics of racism, religion, spiritualism, family, history and the power of memory, storytelling, […]
Coach Ken Carter returns to his former high school as basketball coach in this biographical drama movie about loyalty, unity and achievement. His methods seem drastic: Each player has to sign a contract, promising high educational achievment so that they are allowed to train and play. So when his players fail to deliver in school, […]
This satirical young-adult-novel problematises reality TV, sexism, stereotypes and body image. When the plane of 50 Miss Teen Dream contestants crashes on a desert island, it is time for them to re-evaluate their priorities. In isolation, they start to realise the crash may not have been an accident and odd incidents just keep piling up. […]
This children’s novel problematises gender stereotyping, prejudice and homophobia. Dennis is a 12-year-old interested in both football and fashion – he enjoys dressing up as a girl (cross-dressing). One of those hobbies is accepted by his father as a suitable hobby for boys, the other is not. He struggles with his parents’ divorce, his father’s […]
This novel opens new perspectives on religious fundamentalism, mental health and drug abuse. When Dawn was 13, her father abandoned his family to join a Christian sect. Since then, her mother has suffered from alcoholism and depression. For Dawn, it’s her father’s religious extremism that started all her problems, so she sets out to kill […]
A young adult novel about the difficult topic of school shootings, their victims and longlasting consequences. Valerie’s boyfriend Nick opens fire in their school’s cafeteria. A list the two composed, their so-called hate list, served to choose his targets. Although Valerie is wounded in her attempt to stop Nick, her guilt will follow her for […]