
Cover of this title
The Kite Runner
Khaled Hosseini

A historical novel about friendship, betrayal, discrimination, guilt and redemption. Amir lives in the USA and remembers his childhood in Kabul, entwined with Afghanistan’s troubled history. How the communists took over, the Soviets invaded, how he escaped and settled in the USA together with his father who struggled to adapt to the new environment. But one day he must return to his home country to save his best friend’s son from the Taliban…

The novel is suitable for interdisciplinary teaching with subjects such as History, Politics or Ethics.

· · 2003

Critical edition

Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. Riverhead Books, 2013. 416 pp., ISBN 9781594632204

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In favour of this entry

  • Award-winning
  • Beyond the US and the UK
  • Democratic and political education
  • Intercultural perspectives
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Silenced voices
  • Students can identify with the text
  • Recommended by a federal state: Saxony-Anhalt

Adapted as

  • Audiobook
  • Film
  • Graphic novel