Topic: History and politics
List of entries
This spoken word poem by Darryll Suliaman Amoako aka ‘Suli Breaks’ deconstructs idealised notions of the ‘American Dream’ and addresses those people striving for success or the ‘pursuit of happiness’ at any cost. Reflecting upon the danger of spending to much time on unsatisfactory jobs and losing oneself the ‘rat race’ from ‘rags to riches’, […]
This collection of twelve dystopian short stories exposes institutionalised racism, social injustice, and the devastating effects of consumerism on contemporary and near-future society. As ‘dark satires’, they explore the interconnectedness of black identity and the socio-economical realities of the US. ‘The Finkelstein Five’, for example, reveals police violence and the prejudice of the US justice system […]
This collection of poetry on depression, family, love, heartbreak, suffering and healing provides the reader with an authentic insight into the speaker’s struggle with a mental health issue. Sabrina Benaim’s poetry makes the reader aware of existing stigmata, stereotypes and discrimination of people with depression – also providing us with the notion that life and […]
This spoken word poem painfully reflects the memory of rape, abuse and sexual assault on women. The speaker demands to take responsibility and to stop making excuses – emotionally opposing trivialising statements and outlining that “no matter how many times, once, was one too many.” The performance is suitable for a cross-curricular project on Me […]
Three voices loudly recall stereotypical ‘rules’ for people of colour and thereby outline injustice, prejudice and racial bias in contemporary society. Marvin Hodges, Em Allison and Saidu Tejan-Thomas’ spoken word poem provide the audience with a shocking paradigm shift, confronting them with everyday racisms. Text and performance can serve as a great example of young […]
In this poetry slam, three teenage voices tackle topics some would not even want to speak of – rape, racism, social stratification, education and equality. The spoken word poem offers perspectives on current affairs in the US from a teenage perspective and critically reflects the US school system. The empowering and passionate lines of Belissa […]
This action movie about tradition and change, African and African American representation, power structures and sovereignty marks the first film of the superhero genre with a predominantly black cast and reminds us, that “[…] in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers.” Set in Wakanda, a technologically advanced nation in East […]
In this time-flip novel, preteen Hannah Stern is sick and tired of her relatives’ stories about the past. But when she is transported back to 1942 to a village in Poland she faces the harsh reality of those stories. She, along with the village’s Jews, is abducted by Nazis. After being brought to a concentration […]
Set in Germany during World War II, this historical novel follows the coming of age story of Liesel Meminger. Surrounded by hatred and destruction, Liesel struggles to maintain the innocence of childhood. Her foster parents take in a Jewish man, Hans, and hide him from the authorities. Hans teaches Liesel to read, and she goes […]
Based on the famous Spider-Man comic, this animated, adventure-action film on adversity, resilience, collectivity and empowerment follows Miles Morales, an everyday, regular, normal boy – until he gets bitten by a radioactive spider and gains superpowers. When Peter Parker aka ‘the real’ Spider-Man dies, it is on Miles to save the world from the devastating […]
A poem about responsibly shaping a future between diversity and unity, this optimistic work by 22-year-old Gorman took the world by storm when she presented it at US-President Biden’s inauguration ceremony. It is both an honest depiction of the challenges her country faces – racial injustice as well as threats to both health and democracy […]
Richard Williams aka ‘Prince Ea’ reflects in his critical spoken-word-poem on the importance of education, the limitations and inequalities of the current school system in the US and the blindness of educational authorities and politicians. The voice, taking the role of a lawyer, who sues the school system, accuses that nothing had changed for the […]
Richard Williams aka ‘Prince Ea’ reflects in his powerful and ecocritical spoken-word-poem on a dystopian future of our world, which was destroyed by environmental pollution, the devastating deforestation of the rainforests and exhausted consumerism. The speaker apologises in front of the ‘future generation’ for not taking responsibility for the planet’s biodiversity – for putting profit […]
Based on a true story, this novel explores paranoia, ideological obsession, the damaged American psyche and the Sovereign citizen movement – a militant group of people who regard US laws and law enforcement as illegitimate. Set in contemporary Northern California, the narration follows Adam, the son of Vietnam veteran Sten Stenson and his much older […]
A pocket-sized companion full of an artist’s honest contemplation: Art Matters combines four short essays by Gaiman, each accompanied by powerful illustrations by Riddell, making this a work both easily accessible and fascinating for a more in-depth analysis. What does art mean? What can art achieve in today’s turbulent times? Gaiman tells his readers to […]
This dystopian novel is one of the earliest works of science fiction and discovers time travel, the progress of technology and the decline of civilisation between equality and inequality. A Victorian scientist develops a device which enables him to travel to the far future. After arriving in a post-apocalyptic time, he is horrified, when he […]
This popular coming of age movie was published in Germany under the title Kick It Like Beckham and features a young woman’s struggle for equal treatment: Jesminder “Jess” Bhamra is the daughter of British Indian Sikhs living in London and also very much in love with football. Her conservative parents do not want her to play though […]
This collection of poems by Tolkien is packed with imagination, beautiful illustrations and smooth storytelling. While some of the characters and creatures can be recognized from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, each story stands alone. With its wide range of themes and length, there’s something for everyone. The Oliphaunt describes a grey animal, whose name […]