Ihre Suchergebnisse für ag archiv

Dance Bibliography

Kurt Petermann: Tanzbibliographie. Verzeichnis der in deutscher Sprache veröffentlichten Schriften und Aufsätze zum Bühnen-, Gesellschafts-, Kinder-, Volks- und Turniertanz sowie zur Tanzwissenschaft, Tanzmusik und zum Jazz, Registerband. Herausgegeben von der Akademie der Künste, Tanzarchiv, Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut 1987 Kurt Petermann: Tanzbibliographie. Verzeichnis der in deutscher Sprache veröffentlichten Schriften und Aufsätze zum Bühnen-, Gesellschafts-, Kinder-, Volks- und Turniertanz sowie zur Tanzwissenschaft, Tanzmusik und zum Jazz, Band 3. Herausgegeben von der Akademie der Künste, Tanzarchiv der DDR, Leipzig, 2. unveränderte Auflage, München/New York/London/Paris: K. G. Saur 1982 Kurt Petermann: Tanzbibliographie. Verzeichnis der in deutscher Sprache veröffentlichten Schriften und Aufsätze zum Bühnen-,

Upheaval of Knowledge Cultures

Inge Baxmann, Melanie Gruß, Sebastian Göschel, Vera Lauf (Hg.): Arbeit und Rhythmus: Lebensformen im Wandel. Wissenskulturen im Umbruch. Bd. 2. Eine Publikation des Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V., München: Wilhelm Fink 2009 Inge Baxmann (Hg.): Körperwissen als Kulturgeschichte. Die Archives Internationales de la Danse (1931-1952). Wissenskulturen im Umbruch. Bd. 2. Eine Publikation des Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V., München: K. Kieser 2008 Inge Baxmann, Franz Anton Cramer (Hg.): Deutungsräume. Bewegungswissen als kulturelles Archiv der Moderne. Wissenskulturen im Umbruch. Bd. 1. Eine Publikation des Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V., München: K. Kieser 2005

Documenta choreologica

Documenta choreologica – Research Michael Malkiewicz, Jörg Rothkamm (Hg.): Die Beziehung von Musik und Choreographie im Ballett. Bericht vom internationalen Symposium an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig. 23.–25. März 2006. Documenta choreologica, Berlin: Verlag Vorwerk 8, 2007 Janine Schulze, Susanne Taub (Hg.): Moving Thoughts. Tanzen ist Denken. Documenta choreologica. Studienbibliothek der Tanzkunst. Begründet von Kurt Petermann, Berlin: Verlag Vorwerk 8, 2003 Ilse Reinsberg (Hg.): In Memoriam Dr. Kurt Petermann. Documenta choreologica. Studienbibliothek zur Geschichte der Tanzkunst. Begründet von Kurt Petermann (1939-1984), Berlin: Verlag Vorwerk 8, 2002 Claudia Jeschke, Hans-Peter Bayerdörfer (Hg.): Bewegung im Blick. Beiträge zu einer theaterwissenschaftlichen



Research Access

Online catalogue (OPAC) of the university library Leipzig (UBL) The book and magazine contents of the former specialized library of the dance archive leipzig as well as a multitude of movies can be found in the online catalogue (OPAC) of the university library Leipzig (UBL). A part of the dance specific literature can also be found on the 2nd floor in the open-access section “theatre,dance, film”. Further dance related material can be ordered and partially borrowed in the reading rooms. Archive database Kalliope The contents of the archive (especially manuscripts and other historical documents) can be researched via the database


A large number of meetings, symposia and conferences have already been organised for the exchange of specialist topics, questions and methods based on the holdings of Tanzarchiv Leipzig, which have always addressed the public interested in dance with special programme items and whose results are usually documented in publications. Dance in pictures – Plural constellations of Photography Virtual video conference from 28 – 30 January 2021 Perspectives of Digital Humanities in Dance and Theatre ResearchOnline workshop on 9 January 2021 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Body/Politics: Dance forms, institutions and actors in the GDR (13 – 15 November 2014)

Contact & Contact Persons

If you have any questions about the holdings and how to order or use them, please contact the staff of the Sondersammlungen (English: Special Collections) or the Forschungslesesaal (Research Reading Room) at Leipzig University Library (Albertina, 4th floor, Beethovenstr. 6, 04107 Leipzig): sondersammlungen@ub.uni-leipzig.de (Tel.: +49 341 97-30526) For questions and information on further advisory services, events, cooperations, etc., please contact the office of the Association Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V. (4th floor, Nikolaistr. 6-10, Strohsackpassage, 04109 Leipzig): Phone: +49 341 97-30422, 97-30405 and 97-30400 E-mail: info@tanzarchiv-leipzig.de Contact persons Board of the association Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V.:Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi (Director)Prof. Dr. Regine Elzenheimer


Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V. staff and members are available to advise on artistic projects, from initial ideas for dealing with the cultural heritage of dance to concrete enquiries about more complex research and possible academic advice and dramaturgical support for dance productions. Please send your enquiries about such offers up to project-related cooperations by e-mail to the following address: info@tanzarchiv-leipzig.de. Below you will find some exemplary projects from recent years in which individual members of the Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V. were more or less directly involved or which were created in cooperation with TAL e.V.. Tanz Digital (2021) Evaluation of the Alliance

Thomas Lehmen (born 1963)

As a dancer and choreographer, Lehmen is one of the most important contemporary dance artists in Germany. His publications Schreibstück (book and score for 3 groups each in canon form) and Funktionen-Toolbox (for communicative choreographies) attracted international attention. Born in Oberhausen in 1963, Lehmen studied at the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam from 1986 to 1990. From 1990 to 2010 he worked mainly in Berlin and developed numerous solos, group pieces and projects: among others distanzlos, mono subjects, Schreibstück, It’s better to…, Lehmen lernt, which are performed worldwide. In 2010 and 2011 he was a professor at Arizona

State Dance Ensemble of the GDR (until 1962 State Folk Art Ensemble of the GDR)

The collection is on permanent loan from the Federal Archives Potsdam and includes materials from the ensemble’s scientific documentation centre, which served the choreographers in preparing the dances (e.g. materials on geography and history, dance forms/families, methods, folk dances as well as tapes, photos and newspaper articles). The ensemble emerged from the State Song and Dance Ensemble, the successor to the National Cultural Group of the Free German Youth founded on 1 April 1950. In 1952, the dance ensemble was integrated into the Berlin Volksbühne. When the choir was dissolved in 1962, it was renamed the “State Dance Ensemble of

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