Burn by Sheila Atim

English · 8 October 2020

As you can imagine, theatres around the globe are struggling with the social distancing our safety requires. One particular theatre in London, The Old Vic, is taking brave steps towards a digital service to the world: Time and again this year, they provided recordings and even live sessions of theatre plays which you can enjoy from the safety of your home. In time for World Mental Health Day, a powerful performance of a play by Sheila Atim has been put online, called Burn. The viewer gets a glimpse of a young woman’s monologue with her therapist. While the recording only lasts about 14 minutes, layer upon layer of defence mechanisms is delicately explored. Do approach the play with the caution necessary when dealing with a complex topic as is mental health.

If you get the chance to discuss this incredibly important part of life, which is still surrounded by stigma, with a group of language learners who are experienced (possibly Leistungskurs) and are not afraid of a challenge, we recommend considering Burn for an empathetic approach to mental health.
