SoftKollP: the first portable biosensor for quantitative field monitoring of anthropogenic contaminants in the environment, (eurostars, BMBF, link) | |
A biomimetic extracellular matrix model to reveal changes of invasive phenotypes of breast cancer cells at tissue interfaces (Deutsche Krebshilfe, link) | |
STARK-Projekt: Aufbau eines interfaktultären Zentrums für Bioaktive Materie (b-ACTmatter) an der Universität Leipzig, link, (BMWK, SAB) | |
Engineering and understanding self-sustaining, structured phototrophic microbial communities in hydrogels and biofilms for biocatalytic applications (DFG, link) | |
Hormon Rapid Test: Entwicklung eines Schnelltests zur Vor-Ort-Analyse von Trink- und Oberflächenwasser auf endokrin wirksame Spurenstoffe, (ZIM / BMWK, link) | |
REPLACER: Recycling plastic and developing hybrid living materials by capturing greenhouse gases to produce value-added products, (, link) | |
LigNylon: Electrochemical hydrogenation of lignin-derived mixtures of aromatic compounds for microbial synthesis of Nylon monomers, (transfun, link) | |
ViSuPar: Entwicklung und Untersuchung eines hochsensitiven, visuellen Schnelltests von Sulfonamid-Antibiotika in der Umweltanalytik auf Basis weicher Hydrogel-Mikropartikel, (ZIM/BMWK, link) | |
LivMat: Productive catalytic living materials: combining 3D biobased fibrillar membranes with synthetic microbial consortia to produce chemicals, (, link) | |
BIOWIN: AI-assisted resource-efficient production of the antifibrinolytic ε-aminocaproic acid and bio-nylon, (JTF-EFRE/SAB) | |
Combining stimuli-responsive hydrogels and scaffold-supported microbial biofilms for a self-controlled catalytic activity of a microbial leaf (SPP2451, DFG, link)