
New Paper on Contractility of Breast Cancer Cells at Matrix Interfaces

We newly published a paper in Biomaterials Science on the contractile behavior of breast cancer cells during transmigration of matrix interfaces. We reveal the occurrence of strong and highly asymmetric contractile forces of the cells at the moment of the crossing matrix interfaces from dense to open porous networks. This observation is connected to an additionally found dysregulation of mechanotransduction pathways and the previously observed change towards a more invasive and aggressive phenotype of transmigrated cells. For further reading see here.

New Paper on Sulfonamide Antibiotics Biosensor

We newly published a paper in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces on sulfonamide antibiotics biosensors based on our technology of soft colloidal probes (SCP). We show a proof-of-concept for the detection of the widely used sulfonamide antibiotics in aqueous samples for application options in environmental monitoring. For further reading see here.

New Paper on Collagen Networks with Entropic Elasticity Mode

We newly published a paper in Biomaterials Advances on collagen networks of thin fibrils with the new finding that those networks exhibit an entropic elasticity mode known from flexible polymer network strands. We also show a strong impact of the physical network elasticity regime, being of enthalpic or entropic origin for thick or thin collagen fibrils, respectively, on invasion behavior of breast cancer cells. For further reading see here.

LivMat Project Started

We recently started our new projectLivMat: Productive catalytic living materials: combining 3D biobased fibrillar membranes with synthetic microbial consortia to produce chemicals” together with our partners from Helmholtz-UFZ, Solaga GmbH, Instanbul Technical University, Kaunas University of Technology and University of Latvia. The LivMat project aims to syndicate biobased porous materials with microbial consortia to effectively capture natural and waste resources to synthesize chemicals continuously, demonstrating the basis for catalytic living materials. Within the project we will exemplify the approach by the production of monomers for textile polymer synthesis including ε-caprolactone and adipic acid. For more information see here.

New Paper on Modulating Paracrine Cell Signals in a Biomimetic Wound Healing Model

In cooperation with colleagues from Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden and Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials Dresden, we published a paper in Gels on a biomimetic wound healing model using cocultures of primary human fibroblasts and macrophages in 3D collagen networks functionalized with sulfated glycosaminoglycans. We show that the network functionalization and the degree of sulfation of GAGs influences the paracrine cell-cell signaling in the in vitro model. For further reading see here.

BIOWIN project started

We recently started our new JTF project “AI-assisted resource-efficient production of the antifibrinolytic ε-aminocaproic acid and bio-nylon” together with our partners from Helmholtz-UFZ and MPI Neurorecogniation. The goal of the project is to use and streamline microbial biocatalysts for the AI-based development of an efficient ε-aminocaproic acid production process. Cyclohexane and renewable fatty acid derivatives will serve as primary substrates. Envisioned reaction setups include biofilm reactors and microbial consortia to distribute tasks among different strains. AI will be fed by reaction parameters of the in vivo cascade reaction to determine and optimize feasible and sustainable process setups. For eco-efficient production of nylon precursors, the pathways will be adapted and transferred into cyanobacteria providing energy and reduction equivalents via photosynthesis.

New Paper on Entropic Repulsion by Cholesterol Multilayers

Based on a cooperation with colleagues from Dresden, we newly published a paper in Nature on a new mechanism counteracting bioadhesion by entropic repulsion of orientational fluctuations in cholesterol multilayers. Our results not only reveal this new mechanism of entropic repulsion to be relevant in the surface properties of Collembola, but, also shows the high specificity to the cholesterol chemistry. For further reading see here.

New Paper on Combining Electrochemistry and Biotransformation for Synthesis of Nylon Precursors from Wood Feedstock

We newly published a paper in Green Chemistry on enabling a new biotechnological process combining electrochemical hydrogenation and microbial biotransformation of lignin feedstock. Our results show this process to be synthesis adipic acid as a Nylon building block at high yield, which shows option for the production of polyamides by natural growing resources. For further reading see here.

New Paper on an Instructive Phenotype Switch of Breast Cancer Cells during Migration across Matrix Interfaces

We newly published a paper in ACS Materials & Interfaces on a distinct phenotype switch of breast cancer cells during transmigration across sharp interfaces of biomimetic extracellular matrices. Our findings suggest that the switch of the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 into a more aggressive phenotype correlates with a strong nuclear deformation and DNA damage occurring during the transmigration from a dense into an open matrix. For further reading see here.