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Flight Logs HALO

Flight Report HALO Template

RF Date Description HALO Track Flight Report
TO TD HH png kml
00 25.02.2022 test flight from Oberpfaffenhofen 07:31:06 12:12:27 04:41:19 kml
01 11.03.2022 ferry flight 13:19:28 16:22:31 03:03:03 kml
02 12.03.2022 WAI #1, day #1 08:22:06 16:44:07 08:22:01 kml
03 13.03.2022 WAI #1, day #2 08:04:31 16:52:50 08:48:19 kml
04 14.03.2022 WAI #1, day #3 08:45:34 17:19:08 08:33:34 kml
05 15.03.2022 atmospheric river #1, day #1 09:04:50 17:46:40 08:41:50 kml
06 16.03.2022 atmospheric river #1, day #2 08:58:18 18:27:20 09:29:02 kml
07 20.03.2022 Day before a Cold Air Outbreak 07:58:48 17:07:05 09:08:17 kml
08 21.03.2022 CAO #1, day #1 08:48:45 16:35:38 07:46:53 kml
09 28.03.2022 CAO #2 incl. convergence along sea ice border 08:38:36 16:06:06 07:27:30 kml
10 29.03.2022 CAO #2 eastern branch and first circle 07:53:09 16:27:06 08:23:57 kml
11 30.03.2022 CAO #2 lagrangian mesoscale divergence circles 07:56:46 16:21:08 08:24:22 kml
12 01.04.2022 CAO #2 rectangular divergence pattern sea ice edge 07:29:57 15:40:34 08:10:37 kml
13 04.04.2022 3 objectives flight (ice edge, cirrus, water vapour) 07:26:01 16:18:02 08:52:01 kml
14 07.04.2022 Arctic Cirrus 08:33:00 16:14:47 07:44:47 kml
15 08.04.2022 Polar Low 04:25:13 11:43:45 07:18:32 kml
16 10.04.2022 Moist air advection 09:54:45 16:25:05 06:30:20 kml
17 11.04.2022 Above and below cirrus 07:55:53 15:55:48 07:54:55 kml
18 12.04.2022 Circles in the North, above and below cirrus 07:30 15:32 08:02 kml
00 25.02.2022 2/2
01 11.03.2022
02 12.03.2022 VNIR off 20/20
03 13.03.2022 21/23
04 14.03.2022 VNIR off 10/11
05 15.03.2022 25/25
06 16.03.2022 VNIR off 23/25
07 20.03.2022 VNIR off 17/18
08 21.03.2022 VNIR off 13/13
09 28.03.2022 VNIR off 16/22
10 29.03.2022 18/18
11 30.03.2022 INS had outtage at start 32/32
12 01.04.2022 INS shut off too early 41/46
13 04.04.2022 Stabbi was acting up 13/13
14 07.04.2022 INS had ottage at start 15/16
15 08.04.2022 21/21
16 10.04.2022 INS shut off too early 22/22


  • RA = Radar
  • Radio = Radiometer
  • LI = Lidar
  • specM = specMACS
  • SM = SMART
  • DS = Dropsondes
flight_logs_halo.1649794250.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/12 22:10 by johannes