Ihre Suchergebnisse für tanzarchiv leipzig


The working group ARCHIVE was founded by Franziska Voss and Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi at the 13th congress of the society for theatre studies in Frankfurt am Main and Gießen in 2016. The objective was to strengthen the connections of the  archives with research and academic teaching. Archives of theatre, dance and performance are locations where artistic practice can be historically evaluated and researched in a source-critical way, but they are also influenced by the impulses of the artists themselves regarding forms of presentation, usage and accessibility. That is especially important for strategies of artistic research, reconstruction, re-enactments etc. contact

Rudolf Liechtenhan (1911-2005)

The Swiss Rudolf Liechtenhan was an internationally recognised ballet specialist. As a critic and dance publicist, he cultivated contacts with many dance personalities. He also worked as a dramaturge at various opera houses, for example in Stuttgart with John Cranko, in Hamburg with John Neumeier and finally with Uwe Scholz in Leipzig. The Tanzarchiv’s collection includes his ballet library and his collection of dance images.

Henn Haas (1907-1989)

Born in Riga, the dancer, ballet master and choreographer Henn Haas studied at Vera Fokina’s ballet school and at the Trümpy-Günther School in Berlin from 1926 to 1932 and also took classes with Rudolf von Laban, Mary Wigman and Harald Kreutzberg. From 1938 he worked with his Theatre of Dance in Weimar and Erfurt. After the war, he took over the choreographic direction of the FDGB dance ensemble in the newly founded GDR and worked as a choreographer at the Landestheater Halle. In addition to numerous ballets, he also created choreographies for film and television. The collection contains newspaper articles,


Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig FID Darstellende Kunst CCT Centre of Competence for Theatre VDT Verbund deutscher Tanzarchive Dachverband Tanz AG ARCHIV der gtw Gesellschaft für Theaterwissenschaft GTF Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung THESID Theatersammlungen in Deutschland NFDI4Culture LOFFT – DAS THEATER Leipzig Schauspiel Leipzig Schaubühne Lindenfels Leipzig Leipziger Ballett Villa Wigman e.V. Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Hellerau Tanznetz Hochschule für Musik und Theater „Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy“ Netzwerk Tanz- und Bewegungswissenschaft Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln Akademie der Künste, Berlin Deutsches Tanzfilminstitut Bremen Pina Bausch Archiv Folkwang Tanzarchiv Derra de Moroda Dance Archives, Salzburg Bibliothèque de l’Opera, Paris Centre


Dance Archive Leipzig GDR Petermann Laban Wigman Palucca Weidt Rudolstadt Moscow Folk Dance Dance Ensembles Documentation VDT Collections Research Reading Room Böhme Gertz Loesch History Association Publications AG ARCHIVE Projects Research Catalogues Kalliope Visit Lehmen Scholz Pauls Kinetography Posters Records Photos Films Masks Programs FID Body Politics Movement Choirs LIGNA Conferences Seminars Workshops NFDI4C Office Consulting Contact Dance Archive Leipzig GDR Petermann Laban Wigman Palucca Weidt Rudolstadt Moscow Folk Dance Dance Ensembles Documentation VDT Collections Research Reading Room Böhme Gertz Loesch History Association Publications AG ARCHIVE Projects Research Catalogues Kalliope Visit Lehmen Scholz Pauls Kinetography Posters Records Photos Films Masks

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