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Contact & Contact Persons

If you have any questions about the holdings and how to order or use them, please contact the staff of the Sondersammlungen (English: Special Collections) or the Forschungslesesaal (Research Reading Room) at Leipzig University Library (Albertina, 4th floor, Beethovenstr. 6, 04107 Leipzig): sondersammlungen@ub.uni-leipzig.de (Tel.: +49 341 97-30526) For questions and information on further advisory services, events, cooperations, etc., please contact the office of the Association Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V. (4th floor, Nikolaistr. 6-10, Strohsackpassage, 04109 Leipzig): Phone: +49 341 97-30422, 97-30405 and 97-30400 E-mail: info@tanzarchiv-leipzig.de Contact persons Board of the association Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V.:Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi (Director)Prof. Dr. Regine Elzenheimer


With the approval of the DFG the official founding of the NFDI4Culture was made possible and happened on the 1st of october 2020. The performing arts are represented within the different committees, panels and operating procedures by the chairmen of the society of theatre studies (gtw), the society for dance research (GTF), multiple associations (AG ARCHIV, THESID, VDT) as well as individual collections and archives. One of them is the dance archive Leipzig with the institute for theatre studies.   NFDI4Culture’s work programme consists of 6 task areas and the performing arts play a role in most of them:  TA1: Digitisation,


The working group ARCHIVE was founded by Franziska Voss and Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi at the 13th congress of the society for theatre studies in Frankfurt am Main and Gießen in 2016. The objective was to strengthen the connections of the  archives with research and academic teaching. Archives of theatre, dance and performance are locations where artistic practice can be historically evaluated and researched in a source-critical way, but they are also influenced by the impulses of the artists themselves regarding forms of presentation, usage and accessibility. That is especially important for strategies of artistic research, reconstruction, re-enactments etc. contact

Rudolf Liechtenhan (1911-2005)

The Swiss Rudolf Liechtenhan was an internationally recognised ballet specialist. As a critic and dance publicist, he cultivated contacts with many dance personalities. He also worked as a dramaturge at various opera houses, for example in Stuttgart with John Cranko, in Hamburg with John Neumeier and finally with Uwe Scholz in Leipzig. The Tanzarchiv’s collection includes his ballet library and his collection of dance images.


Dance Archive Leipzig GDR Petermann Laban Wigman Palucca Weidt Rudolstadt Moscow Folk Dance Dance Ensembles Documentation VDT Collections Research Reading Room Böhme Gertz Loesch History Association Publications AG ARCHIVE Projects Research Catalogues Kalliope Visit Lehmen Scholz Pauls Kinetography Posters Records Photos Films Masks Programs FID Body Politics Movement Choirs LIGNA Conferences Seminars Workshops NFDI4C Office Consulting Contact Dance Archive Leipzig GDR Petermann Laban Wigman Palucca Weidt Rudolstadt Moscow Folk Dance Dance Ensembles Documentation VDT Collections Research Reading Room Böhme Gertz Loesch History Association Publications AG ARCHIVE Projects Research Catalogues Kalliope Visit Lehmen Scholz Pauls Kinetography Posters Records Photos Films Masks