Research associate
since 2017 | Research associate of the Junior Research Group "Sustainable Deployment of Renewable Energies with Multiple Environmental Impacts - Policy Strategies to mitigate Ecological Trade-offs of the Energy Transition", University Leipzig (Germany) |
2014-2017 | Master's degree program: Economics, University Freiburg (Germany) and University Bologna (Italy), Thesis: "Simulating optimal tax rates on capital income: An empirical analysis of tax return data for Germany" |
2011-2014 | Bachelor's degree program: Politics & Economics, University Münster (Germany),Thesis: "Eine spieltheoretische Betrachtung der Nachfrageflexibilisierung durch den Einsatz von Smart Metern in der Energieversorgung" |
Research Interests
- Multi-Level Governance
- Renewable Energy Policy
- Environmental and Energy Economics
Recent Publications
- Lehmann, P., Ammermann, K., Gawel, E., Geiger, C., Hauck, J., Heilmann, J., Meier, J.-N., Schicketanz, S., Stemmer, B., Tafarte, P., Thrän, D., Wolfram, E. “Managing spatial sustainability trade-offs: The case of wind power”. UFZ Discussion Paper 4/2020.
- Meier, J.-N., Lehmann, P. “Optimal federal regulation of renewable energy expansion”. Preliminary version: UFZ Discussion Paper 8/2020.
- Meier, J.-N., Bovet, J., Geiger, C., Lehmann, P., Tafarte, P. (2019). „Should the German climate package include a land area target for onshore wind energy?“. Wirtschaftsdienst. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 99, Issue 12, pp. 824-828. DOI: 10.1007/s10273-019-2537-2.
- Lehmann, P., Gawel, E., Geiger, C., Korte, K., Meier, J.-N., Reutter, F., Tafarte, P. (2019). „Wie zielführend sind regionalisierte Ausschreibungen für die Windenergie?“ Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Vol. 69, Issue 1/2, pp. 88-92.
- Lehmann, P., Meier, J.-N., Meya, J. (2020). „Land in Sicht für die Windenergie?“, Tagesspiegel Background Klima & Energie.