
Cover of this title
Zimmer Land
Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

This dystopian short story deals with the definition of justice, justification of killing, killing as entertainment, racial profiling, and also hints at the effect watching acts of violence might have on children.

Isaiah works as an actor in an entertainment park where people can buy experiences of committing acts of violence firsthand including gunshots. All this happens under the guise of justice and self-defense, it is supposed to show how mad the world outside actually is and prevent people from killing in the real world. Towards the end, the park is opened to visitors of all ages, not only adults anymore. Written from the perspective of a black man mentioning racist comments said to him and also talking about his half-Indian friend who is often used to play a terrorist.

Here, a variety of issues are addressed. It may be used to talk about vigilante justice, school shootings, racial profiling, and reflecting on the entertaining factor of violence in general not to deter the students but to create a certain amount of awareness.

· · 2018

Critical edition

Adjei-Brenyah, Nana Kwame. "Zimmer Land." Friday Black, pp. 85-103, Riverrun, 2019. 18 pp., ISBN 9781787476004

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In favour of this entry

  • Award-winning
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Students can identify with the text