
Cover of this title
Where’s Wally?
Martin Handford

This series of picture books combines wonderful illustrations with playful tasks that can help language learners practice expressing whereabouts of objects and people as well as describing images. In these picture puzzles, students must find “Wally” and his friends that are cleverly hidden across the image. Each page has a different theme and setting, ranging from gladiator arenas to spaceships. But don’t be fooled, finding that striped jumper can be harder than it looks. Can you find Wally?

· · 1987

Critical edition

Handford, Martin. Where's Wally?. Walker Books Ltd., 2007. 32 pp., ISBN 9781406305890

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  • Students can identify with the text
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Adapted as

  • Film
  • Graphic novel
  • TV series
  • Video game