Voyage of the Sparrowhawk



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Voyage of the Sparrowhawk
Natasha Farrant

After World War I, no one’s life has been left untouched. Ben is on the verge of being sent to an orphanage after his brother went missing in the war. Lotti’s family wants to send her away to boarding school and Clara, a young teacher, needs to find her fiancé. All three of them are either running from or looking for someone. And so their fates collide on a trip from England to France. But you can’t cross the canal without a boat. And that’s how the narrowboat the Sparrowhawk becomes the fourth member of their crew. Will they be able to find what they seek?

This award-winning novel addresses many topics, from trauma and fear to friendship and adventure. It allows for interdisciplinary teaching combined with the subject of History surrounding World War I.

· · 2020

Critical edition

Farrant, Natasha. Voyage of the Sparrowhawk. Faber and Faber Ltd., 2020. 368 pp., ISBN 9780571348763

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In favour of this entry

  • Award-winning
  • Explores historical contexts
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Students can identify with the text

Adapted as

  • Audiobook