
Cover of this title
The Wild in Me
Helen Mort

This short spoken word poem by Helen Mort praises wild places and outlines, how the speaker (a poet) adapts to them. “The Wild in Me” describes the inspiring and stimulating powers of nature that a poet finds in it and which help him or her to express oneself and being creative. In the video performance, Helen Mort points out that “wild places are incredible habitats and eco-systems but they don’t just look after themselves. They need help so that we can protect the environment for future generations and for us all to continue to enjoy.” 

The poem and the performance are suitable for interdisciplinary teaching with the subjects of Biology and Geography. As the poem is used as an advert, teachers might discuss product placement with their pupils.

/ · · 2018

Critical edition

Mort, Helen. "The Wild in Me.", Helen Mort et al., 2018. 21 l., Website

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In favour of this entry

  • Addresses current affairs
  • Charged with meaning
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Students can identify with the text