The Twelve Days of Christmas (Correspondence)



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The Twelve Days of Christmas (Correspondence)
John Julius Norwich

This collection of letters tells the story of the 12 days of Christmas with a twist. Accompanied by humuourous illustrations, the letters narrate the arrival of the extravagant gifts from the recipient’s point of view, Emily. She enjoys the lavish gifts of admiration at first, but as they become increasingly strange her gratitude lessens. However, the gifts just keep coming. For who wouldn’t want 9 naked ladies dancing in their yard?

In the classroom, the book can be read in short excerpts during Christmas season. It would also be perfect to read after singing the 12 Days of Christmas in Music or English class.

· · 1999

Critical edition

Norwich, John Julius; Blake, Quentin. The Twelve Days of Christmas. Atlantic Books; Reprint Edition, 2013. 28 pp., ISBN 9781782392231

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