
Cover of this title
The Truman Show
Peter Weir

This dystopian comedy movie explores the power of media, commercialism and simulated reality. Truman has the all-American life: A loving wife, kids, a house complete with a picket fence… Then he starts noticing the occasional oddity. Whether it be his wife sounding like an infomercial or the people around him doing everything in their power to keep him from leaving town, he knows something isn’t right. Not only is he being watched, but his whole life has also been filmed and aired as a reality TV show. A fake marriage, fake town… fake life? In his desire to uncover the truth, he leaves everything he’s ever known behind.

The film is a great starting point for discussions surrounding surveillance, reality TV, American stereotypes and the American Dream.

· · 1998

Critical edition

The Truman Show. Directed by Peter Weis. Paramount Pictures, 2003. 99 min., FSK 12, Website

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In favour of this entry

  • Addresses current affairs
  • Award-winning
  • Democratic and political education
  • Recommended by a federal state: Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia