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The Mountaintop
Katori Hall

This drama is a fictional depiction of the night leading up to Martin Luther King’s assassination. After King’s speech I’ve Been to the Mountaintop in Memphis, he returns to his hotel, the Lorraine Motel. There, he encounters a maid called Camae. And although initially flirtatious, she soon reveals her true intentions. Sent down to earth by God, she must deliver the message of King’s impending death. Shocked and desperate, he tries to reason and argue with her, explaining that he has so much he still needs to achieve. And although he can’t change his fate, a vision is delivered to him of people continuing to fight for the cause after his death. The play presents a fictional interpretation of a historical event, navigating topics like death, politics, religion and interpersonal communication.

This novel is suitanle for interdisciplinary teaching with regard to Social Studies, Politics and History.

· · 2009

Critical edition

Hall, Katori. The Mountaintop. Bloomsbury Methuen Drama; Reprint Edition, 2015. 88 pp., ISBN 9781472587718

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In favour of this entry

  • Award-winning
  • Explores historical contexts
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Silenced voices

Adapted as

  • Audiobook
  • Play